
How are you surprised? This is America

Yeah, the thing is though, the majority of Americans decided that 3/5 crap was just that, crap, and did away with it. We’re not still clinging to it 150 years later. Drop the racist crap and move on up into the 21st century.

Every state was racist back then. Slavery only played a small part in the south’s secession.

Slavery only played a small part in the south’s secession.

Yeah, thats what worries me too.

Pleeeeasse please just be an example of gaming companies defaulting to white male protagonists in trailers. Please don’t have a preset character you are stuck with. Creating your own Vault Dweller/Chosen One/Lone Wanderer/Courier is half the fun.

If you’re telling me I can’t play as my preferred gender anymore because they spent the entire budget voicing a dude, I’m going to be really miffed.

I think not focusing too much on graphics is what lets Bethesda make such massive games with such a relatively small team. For example, if I’m remembering correctly Skyrim was made with a little over 100 people - while Assassin’s Creed Games notoriously are made with over 600 people.

I'm going to guess that the dog does not get killed as part of the storyline, it will just get killed during regular combat when you fire a mini nuke at some mope and the dog also runs at the mope to bite him.

Yeah, if anybody is buying a Fallout or Elder Scroll game for the shiny faces they’re missing the point, the story and the character dialogue always makes up for it and more.

Looks great because it’s Fallout.

Yeah, I’m generally happy with my streaming options. But there are some movies I want to own outright, and not be at the mercy of digital distributors and their licensing agreements.

I would be thrilled to have the chance to settles issues with a duel. Being trained in historical rapier might make me a bit too eager for this, but I will say that I’d prefer a clean duelling blouse instead of being topless. Propper support is important when executing a disengage, setting aside the opponent’s blade

That is exactly why I cannot help but play Femshep. I’m a woman who plays both male and female avatars/toons, but those qualities you noted Hale brings to the voice acting really do mesh well with the character’s journey and create an experience I’ll not forget any time soon. One thing I’m suprised I cared so much

FemShep for life.

Noticed that too, Jennifer Hale really does bring something to the role, tough but fair, biting sarcasm but handling the big stuff, does make her version of Shepard shine more.

I was mildly surprised the other day when randomly googling what the most common playthrough gender was that “female Shepard only” had the slight majority on almost every poll on the subject I found, with “male Shep only” and “mostly male Shep” and “mostly female Shep” being tied. It may be because of the frankly

I strongly prefer FemShep, personally. MaleShep is fine, but I thought the voice work on FemShep was outstanding.

So do we prefer male or female Shepard?

Washington Post had a great counter argument to this: