
Apparently, on-the-ground reporters did not ask questions about his lapse.

“When you gaze into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.” -Friedrich Nietzsche

I’d say they’re really afraid of what happens when we start to get some of the younger generations actually represented in government and trying to prolong the old ways by propping up corpses, but I can’t say I’ve seen a lot of promise from the younger crowd that has managed to get elected.

That, or it is just the

DeSantis is a liar and an unrepentant fascist. His Republican policies lead to atrocities.

People need to be pushing back against religiously radicalized encroachment into our politics and national dialogue forcefully now. Should have been for years, but we’re at a make or break moment and these people need to be told their bronzed aged beliefs aren’t shared by a majority of the country and have no place in

Oh, this is a fantastic idea! It will push journalists and news sites to use other social media platforms even more quickly. Go, Musk, Go!

Somehow Musk continues to impress me with how stupid he is. Kind of like the orange menace, he’ll do something that I think is just the dumbest thing he could possibly do but then he’ll go do something even dumber. I bailed on Twitter the day he took over.

to somehow incentivize reporters to write news directly onto Twitter itself.

And tomorrow Musk will buy up millions more, and his fans will praise his genius while ignoring the obvious market manipulation.

Well someone binge watched the Diplomat and thought it was realistic!


The GOP for years now have been attempting to portray themselves as not-white-supremacist by screaming that the Democratic Party is (not was) the party of Jim Crow. While they are technically correct, in that the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow post-Reconstruction, the present GOP propagandists conveniently

American team loses on a global platform (pick one, USWMNT a recent example) and Republicans cheer.

Republicans will latch on to anything to turn it into a “weapon,” no matter how pathetic. It’s easy to do if you have no shame or standards. 

Maybe we lost to Sweden because we're not woke enough. 

Yes, of course, progressive values are the reason the US lost to the conservative, capitalistic, all-mighty right-wing country of (checks notes) SWEDEN.

I can’t believe that I’m the one to start the discussion about an extremely important topic of interest. The subject matter of note has far-reaching implications that impacts the social and political (as has been noted) landscape. When I saw the article heading I was sure that it would be chock-full of comments

“I don’t give two fucks but I’m telling you right now, that motherfucker back there is not real!”

Seconded. Guy’s a bigoted creep and we could really use some moderation here!

FYI: The Dr Emilio Lizardo (account: paging-doctor-parody) imposter account posting here in this thread is NOT