
What I find sad about this whole thing is that neither of those morons are going to let any of their kids get the therapy they’re so obviously going to need.  Those poor kids are so screwed.

She’s Great Value Sarah Palin.

The GOP is nuts if they don’t make Lauren their 2024 Vice President nominee. She earned massive maverick cred with that holdout during the House Speaker vote. Voters love mavericks.  She can sling zingers on Twitter with the best of them. She’s a conservative Christian and proud gun owner. The drunken abusive husband

That poor kid.  I hope they don’t repeat the cycle of violence.

police deemed that no crime had been committed.”

Don’t do bread either. JUST had to unclog my mom's drain cuz she stuffed a bunch of bread down it. :-/

I originally wrote a sarcastic reply that Twitter is woke now, but after reading more about the CEO it’s even funnier to me that she worked for NBC. It’s almost as if these high level executives are all part of the same clubs. The only difference is the letters hanging on side of the building.


So a phoney CEO set up to fail (Elon is not giving up anything except the title). Another Reichwing QAnon adjacent adherent to boot. I’m seeing a pregnancy announcement in her future.

The head of CNN is attempting to siphon off FauxNews viewers...

What the fuck is going on at CNN? They've descended to Chuck Todd levels of journalistic incompetence.

Kurt Cobain would absolutely hate Matt Gaetz.

Knowing how NY is, having seen with my own eyes the sky rocketing crime rate and the apathy that allows it, i would’ve watched in silent gratitude too. A crazy man starts yelling he aint afraid to die? Starts getting aggressive and acting looney? Im supposed to wait for him to actually assault myself or someone else?

Thought they were homophobes and y’all were progressive/inclusive!

so we DO or DON’T want men in power positions whose voices are heard by millions to speak out about these things...?

“Elon Musk is ruining Twitter.” — Dorsey

Nor do I think the board should have forced the sale”

It’s important to constantly remind people that this man whose decisions affect the lives of millions is nothing but a deranged moron.

Luckily you clicked on the story and told us all how uninteresting it was. 

No blue checkmark?  Pffft...