
Karma's a bitch, I guess. 

Can wait for his pathetic watery eyes and face looking like he is being held hostage to be deposed! WOOT

And the former content of the assholes.

You are overlooking the fact that Kanye is “the right kind” of black man, one who is very rich and seems to share most of their beliefs. There have been others who like Kanye have enjoyed the embrace of right wing conservatives; Ben Carson, Herman Cain, are examples. They love black men who validate their ideas and

A bit odd these people are excited about a black man joining them, they’re usually opposed to that sort of thing. Well, Kanye is pretty famous, so any port in a storm I guess.

“Given the incestuous nature of elite society and partisan politics...”

I believe this is referred to as the snake eating its tail

Oof, who could have predicted Donald Trump might be a disloyal ally?

Talk about being on team nobody. Christian Walker is an insane contrarian on the level of Kanye West and Candace Whatshername (also those Ruby and Satin chicks, or whatever they go by). Didn’t we just see him go all MAGA nuts on Kehlani at a Starbucks like a month ago? I thought his Twitter feed was all about him

I don’t know. It’s possible he’s a small-c conservative.   Someone who actually stands by the values that the Republican party has abandoned en masse in the last 10-15 years.

Right so the GOP thinks the son is “deeply disturbed” and this is how they choose to treat someone they believe s mentally ill? Blaming him and throwing him under the bus for the GOP’s failings is hardly going to help him get better.

Good thing I had my popcorn ready.  The mental gymnastics these fuckers go through is both hilarious and depressing.  Hilarious because it’s all real and, how did you not know these things about this dip shit?  And depressing because a large swatch of Georgia won’t give a shit that this moron is a hypocrite and

Additionally, Ratliff and other attorneys argued Watson was hardly impartial to the case, given that not only is he an adjunct professor at the university’s law school, but his wife’s business has financial ties to the university.

And because of that Justice Thomas should have recused himself from any case related to any of the groups his wife associates with.

Who literally uses Clarence’s clerk email list to blast that lunacy.  Firewall, my ass.

Ginni Thomas is a fucking loon.

Although this is a good sign for many reasons, they still have to go thru the process again in November, which is right around the corner. The campaigning will probably just kick into an even higher gear over the next few weeks and there is no telling how desperate Palin may get or how bonkers her stunts can become.

I think Kim Jong-Un might be a bit loud about his property.

He’s not? Looks like Russia’s gain is our loss.

Can we possibly trade Rodman to get Griner back?  You think Putin would fall for that one?