Fuck you and go die
Fuck you and go die
I remember when people used to say the same thing about gay/bisexual kids. They, like you, were huge idiots.
Not wanting to call people by their preferred pronouns really confuses me. I mean, people are referred to by their preferred name all the time (someone wants to be called Christopher instead of Chris, so that’s what you call them), but right-wingers have a problem with preferred pronouns. Weird stuff.
Fuck you, guy.
Not being trans and having a pronoun in your bio isn’t so you know what sex I am, it’s so a trans person doesn’t feel singled out when they put one in their bio. It’s a form of solidarity, to stand with them so that they don’t have yet another way for people to prosecute them. Musk is a chode and thinks it throws off…
It is if your penis is out when you do it...
I’ve pointed out before that Elon has been mocking pronouns on twitter for years. This is and always has been an anti-trans dogwhistle. The fact that he has a trans daughter makes it even more disgusting. I imagine those tweets were aimed at her. What a monster.
Imagine refusing to grant your own child some dignity to own the libs. Dude will rather earn the praise of online chuds than a relationship with his own child.
Fuck, I didn’t even think about that. I wonder how long his daughter has been out to him, and how that timeline maps on to him being transphobic on twitter. What a nightmare of a person.
“Get out of this neighborhood! You don’t belong here!”
If a scumbag got punched in the face and decided he should stop being a scumbag, I'd say that's a win.
Just like he crashed the Capitol on Jan 6.
I believe he was also at the insurrection.
What’s wrong with her upper lip? Is that the effect of fillers? Serious question.
Cultists gonna cult
So, being a member of a sexual predator-enabling cult is now NOT a disqualifying thing for a judge, let alone one on the Supreme Court.
Shit human being turns out to be even shittier than previously known. No one is surprised in the least.
Just Muricans muricaing
we HAVE profiled killers like this ad nauseum. There are a ton of reasons why people do this shit. This pat answer disregards that many times, mass murderers give NO clues that they’re about to do it; it’s like suicide, if you really want to do it, you don’t leave notes or “cries for help”, you just fucking do it and…