
Joe Rogen is a racist clown who tries to pretend that he isn’t. Since we as black people deal with racism and white supremacy on a daily basis we know it when we see it. If that is how he feels, then he should convince the police, banks, realtors, etc who discriminate against us due to our skin color that we are just

Peterson: Neither of us are white.

“Someone save us from the podcast movement. Not everyone needs a microphone.”

Anita Hill.

Asking why you were arrested(while black) = gun shots by police.

Well I don’t know about the Commonwealth but across the bridge here in the Free State, that’s called a TERRORIST THREAT AND ASSAULT.

This Karen is only the tip of the shit iceberg on masks in Virginia:

Basically Mitch McConnell: For us the real Americans are Christian rednecks voters. These are GOP voters. We use an ancient religion to reel them in and they’re dumb as rocks. I stay in power and get richer. I need a new mansion. Sure I’m married to an Asian lady but she knows her place. Minorities want too much in

This is the GOP’s version of real Americans

Fuck this guy ever since his belief that slavery was a choice.  He should have been ‘cancelled’ a long time ago, but somehow he wasn’t...I blame his connection to the all powerful Kardass-ians for keeping him in the spotlight.  They can all go to hell.

“Somebody check on our good friend, Ye.”

Irony apparently *is* dead.

Is this how WWIII starts?

Rest well, sir. My father loves him and made sure we saw his films. Both parents became fans in Africa and still celebrate him. When I was younger I reached a point where I judged him for being palatable to White folks. But as with all successive generations, I never lived through what he did nor could I fathom the

RIP....Impressive body of work by any standard.

One of my all time favorite actors, hands down.

The dude definitely needs help. This is not the actions of a sane and healthy mind.

They were called “essential” not too long ago, my guy.