“but the democrats have the power to do anything and Joe Biden just wont do it”
“but the democrats have the power to do anything and Joe Biden just wont do it”
Tesla only survived because of a $465M taxpayer loan and $7500 tax credits on the first 250k cars that they sold. It is a remarkable company that jump started global EV sales; but they only got through 2009-2016 because of public funding. It’s more than a little frustrating to see Elon go full libertarian 12 years…
I mean Time, NYT, most mainstream media. Time wants controversy, the same way the MSM does. They need to generate clicks/views talk to be relevant.
“libertarians who aren’t as smart as they think they are”
This man is so loathsome that the fact he’s a billionaire is, to me, honestly not even his biggest fault. I look at him and I see that try-hard, obnoxious rich kid that was always ingratiating and desperate to be the coolest in the room despite everyone around him hating him. He can go on week-long drug benders and…
which just so happen to coincide with one lawsuit after another alleging rampant sexual harassment, assault, and “Jim Crow”-level racism at Tesla.
Words like that would get you and me fired, and John Kennedy re-elected.
It was already patently clear that he’s one of those dads who doesn’t care about a kid’s life until they’re old enough to be pals. I just...
On one hand, I guess I don’t know that I want Elon being a hands on dad given how horrible Elon is! On the other, parent your damn children!
“Right now there’s not much I can do. Grimes has a much bigger role than me.”
The worst of blows, the deepest of grief, the rivers of forever tears. I lost my son to cancer but he was an adult, it’s a hurt that softens with time, but never goes away. There are days when the pain of loss comes crashing down and the last days are renewed...My heart goes out to them.
No parent should have to bury their child. For the rest of Alyssa & Nick’s lives they’ll see him in the faces of others & wonder how their child would have grown up, what his voice would sound like, what his hands would feel like, what his hair would smell like when they hugged him close, how wide his smile would be.…
I think it went beyond flirtation with her. Moore was really cozy trying to garner white women support for years now. She was always meeting with some of the more outright racist/pro cop Facebook groups like Keeping Crime Out of Buckhead. All of the groups degenerated into MAGA and Q shit and she was fine keeping them…
But all the food out there is so BLAND. I like the CULTURE and the ENERGY of the city. It’s just so hard to live surrounded by all this crime.
Meanwhile, Kemp and the GOP are busy making sure that this will only amount to a pyrrhic victory at most, by making sure that Atlanta’s votes won’t count or be counted. Because it’s only ‘democracy’ if the GOP wins. Yes, the GOP seriously believes that only their way qualifies as ‘democracy.’ That’s just how deranged…