barely 4 years ago, gotta love it.
barely 4 years ago, gotta love it.
I don’t understand why you wouldn’t take the opportunity to at least yell at him. I’d speak to trump on the phone if given the chance. He’d probably hang up when I asked him why his hands were so small, but I’d speak to him.
His belief in his own moral purity is so nauseating.
He BROUGHT his family to a white supremacist rally.
My condolences to the female writers and staffers. I cannot imagine they liked this.
It’s a true fuck you to all his female staff members.
It’s a useful term when someone has obviously behaved badly but has not actually been convicted of anything. You can’t call him a rapist or a molester in a newspaper. If you did, he’d sue you. But you can imply that anyone who leaves their teen daughter alone with him for more than a few minutes is kind of an idiot.
He died shielding his family at a white supremacist rally. Key bit of info to leave out.
Thanks for tracking this down.
I also agree with commenters that even if I bought into Jon’s attempts at discourse here, doing it by giving airtime to a serial sexual harasser is not the way.
It’s economic solidarity. They might “disagree” on a few points, but their wealth and fame give them a kinship they will never feel with us poors.
Gotta chase that Overton window gap! There’s CONTENT on the line!
Same thing Comedy Central gets by having Stewart on at all: Ratings
Giving that asshole any time to talk on TV is a travesty. I know Stewart isn’t a serious man but shit like this is the opposite of helping.
Yes lets be united with the... *checks notes* president and vice president nominees who have called for violence against democrats, removal of Mexicans, and think trans people should not exist.
I like Jon, but this is par for the course with him. I think he’s a phenomenal critic of the media, but is much worse as a political pundit, especially when he tries to engage in good faith with his bad faith sparring partners from the right. It’s very cringe-worthy, and only gets moreso as the climate continues to…
What is possibly to be gained by having that piece of human filth on Stewart’s show?
This is why I don’t fuck with Stewart, because he feels obligated to give racist assholes like this airtime