
If something takes 16min. to technically accomplish, the cops will spend an hour farting around to make that happen. Go watch a wreck sometime...

Or an American cop unloading the whole magazine onto a single 85 year old grandmother.


Should move to gizmodo.com/r/pics? p

We can argue legalities all day but the fact remains: the TSA can dish it out, but they sure as hell can't take it(unless it's an iPad).

Someone didn't get the memo. SONY's hardware has plummeted in quality over the last two decades. The Playstation 3 was just as much a piece of shit as the XBOX 360, SONY just refused to admit it, offering no remedy to the hoardes of people who's systems were bricked by updates, overheating etc.

SONY! You're not Bose, and you're not Bang and Olufsen. Those guys solidly own their respective pricepoints in the tiny market for minimalist mid-range and high-end audio. Why are you trying to crash the party with a hackeyed gimmick? You guys just never learn do you?

PEBKAC if you ask me. Some people put too much stock in advisories and estimates.

I'm pretty sure letting your kid anywhere near a McDonalds is a bad life choice to begin with.

Pretty sure I saw this going down in ATX the other day. At the time I thought they were setting up for a film shoot, but hmm.

Charging her with felony sexual assault, while overkill, is also a tacit admission that the TSA is committing the same against the public every single day, and getting away with it under the guise of "security".

Look at you with your LTE device press releases and zero cities lit! You're trying so hard to pretend you're still a cool kid AT&T. You're like the dad who thinks he's awesome when he wears a Black Eyed Peas t-shirt.

NCR builds ATM for illiterates, charges 500% transaction fee?

I don't know what's worse, the wallet rape, or the fact that they're trying so hard to pass off spotty HSPA+ coverage as a "4G Network".

Well said.

You can buy firearms with bitcoins, Latinum, Orlacs, Triforce segments or Monopoly money if the dealer accepts them, but you must still take delivery through a federally licensed dealer and pass a federal background check.

How surprising...some anti-gun reactionary leaping to erroneous conclusions! In fact you may purchase the weapon with bitcoins over the internet but you must still take delivery through a dealer with a valid Federal Firearms License who will run an NICS background check on you just like with any other purchase.

So yet another entertainingly disruptive ship hath sailed into the sunset. Hate them or love them, but remember always that lulz are relative and security is an illusion.