
And Zinke was probably thrilled. Fewer people in the way of the mission to destroy literally everything in the name of Guns, God, and Greed.

Except it’s not, as the article and several commenters have pointed out. NN has very broad support in both electorates. Call out congressional republicans, sure, bit even their voters disagree.

Fuck the Redskins.

Counterpoint: how many office workers have gone to the bathroom not because they have to go but instead just to get away from their desk and mess with their phone? I find that the less privacy people have at their desks, the more time they spend in the bathroom.

On the other hand, Ford doesn’t purposely slow down you car after you’ve owned it for 4 years.

Why wouldn’t they just call it the “Quantum Era”?

What idiot would pursue change on something so wildly successful?

The point he so broadly avoids is that we got here under the current system. There is nothing systemic that necessitates or demands change. This is change for changes sake, without any justification. What idiot would pursue change on something so wildly successful? Well, there’s this phantom economic argument. And

“I mean, seriously, look, I can see Russia from my backyard. This is the perfect spot to stay.”


10 years for it to be discovered by legit researchers. No telling when state-level or other groups knew about it.

aka trolling

Yeah- that’s fair assessment.

Well, it’s both. The White House will later claim that he is just joking around, but it also does seem to be a core belief of his that climate change is a hoax.

“First date” - sure, sure, if that’s what you want to call it.

Got to keep the populace scared. They get uppity when they’re comfortable.

It wouldn’t be Gawker Media without hyperbole, that’s their mark of quality.

Or, you know, don’t fucking do drugs while pregnant.

OMG you’re joking right? It’s not only the smoke the problem here, it’s the drug itself. We’re talking about cannabinoids messing with the biochemistry of the mother and possibly of the developing fetus, we don’t know exactly what this causes on a developing fetus but it’s easy to predict this could be very bad,

I’m assuming this is anecdotal observation?