
So women have no agency here? They’re incapable of saying “no” to a pushy guy? Or leaving an uncomfortable situation?

Then leave. She had already left for the bathroom once. That demonstrates that she had the ability to leave. But she stayed, knowing that he wanted sex. She was at his place, it’s not as though he was going to leave. So if she is truly that uncomfortable in that situation, then remove yourself from that situation.

Bullshit. She absolutely has responsibility in this, instead of leaving when she had the opportunity, she stayed. She didn’t have to give him oral sex. She made a series of bad decisions that, quite franly, complicated the matter. Her behavior contradicts her prior statements. She never states that she feared he’s

Yes. Just call people idiots when they point out flaws in your narrative or that cases like this aren’t nearly as clear cut as you want them to be. No doubt that Anzari behaved badly. But she also made a whole host of bad decisions that contributed to this. And now you expect that her role is completely ignored.

For fuck sake. She had opportunity to leave. She excused herself to the bathroom after which she decided to stay. She already knew what he wanted but decided to ignore the whole first part of the night and believe him that he just wanted to “chill.’ She then gave him oral sex which kind of contradicts the original

What horse shit. Anzari didn’t hold power over her career as a 1950s boss did over the secretary. He didn’t prevent her from leaving his place. She could have left the minute she felt pressure. You say it isn’t about her agency yet deny her any responsibility of her own decisions. You’re presenting her as this

I would agree up to the point that she stayed. At some point if she felt so threatened, shouldn’t she have left and by staying giving him very mixed signals? If she didn’t want to give him a BJ then why did she? He didn’t have power over her career ala Weinstein, he wasn’t preventing her to leave. At a certain point

The key phrase here is that mention of the last 4 months. Men are aggressive and pushy. I don’t think that many men recognized how that behavior appears to women—not looking at things from their point of view.

He certainly behaved badly. But I can also see things from the fact that she remained. I’m sure that I’ll be

“oppose the slaughter of thousands of women and children on behalf of the fossil fuel industry” The same President that the fossil fuel industry accuses of waging a “war on coal?” and is hostile to them?

I get tired of self-righteous folks like yourself that offer only criticism and refuse to acknowledge that ISIS is

#metoo is whatever they say it is. That’s part of the problem, there’s no real standard. And any defense is shot down as victim blaming or mansplaining.

What a load of crap. The Force Awakens and the Last Jedi essentially reset everything back to square one. It’s a rehash of the OT. Empire vs. Rebels with a new cast. Its a sly way to basically do a remake of the OT. It’s bullshit.

You had a perfectly interesting and compelling story at the end of the Return. How do you