Diziet Sma

Ah, you caught it *hours* before me; didn’t see your comment until after I just posted similar info. Jez missed the real story - your comment should have been the first one we see!

Uh, you totally missed the real story.

That’s a Northern British accent - Lancashire/Yorkshire. Glad you turned on the subs, though - amazing show, isn’t it? The writer/director just did a drama about the Brontes, and I can;t wait for it to come over here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p04cf4wv

I have dry-ish skin. I used to be all about the Nars tinted moisturizer, but then I discovered this Givenchy stuff, and it makes the Nars stuff seem very chalky. It’s pretty fucking amazing, actually

I have dry-ish skin. I used to be all about the Nars tinted moisturizer, but then I discovered this Givenchy stuff,

I’m an English person who has lived in the States for over a decade, and you don’t know what you’re talking about. First off, RP is how posh people like Hugh Grant and the Queen talk; so-called estuary english is how regular people who live in the south of England talk, think Ricky Gervais, or Idris Elba. I assure

That doesn’t mean they speak ‘estuary English’; from your comment, I doubt you even know what that means anyway, since estuary English is the *only* accent most Americans can understand