You’re telling me about politeness? Amazing. I’ve never seen such a hypocrite. You’re just embarassing yourself now. Go to bed.
You’re telling me about politeness? Amazing. I’ve never seen such a hypocrite. You’re just embarassing yourself now. Go to bed.
Your hypocrisy astounds me. Actually, as I explained, you’re just a regular old troll.. Or more likely you’re not not even be a troll. You’re just angry. The butthurt is so obvious from your posts. Trolling should be fun!
Have a nice day. I hope the next time you are in a debate you will be able to focus on the points being discussed and not be so quick to destroy your credibility with insults. It’s pretty funny how you called me a dumb kid while you were throwing insults left and right. Although after talking with you I realize that…
So... You admit you’re a troll? That’s brazenly hypocritical. Especially since you’ve characterized me as a troll when I’m really just a person who has a different perspective than most commenters here.
Nope. That would be a figment of your imagination. I’ve clearly expressed my argument and all you’ve done is ignore or mischaracterize it. Here’s a tip: the person who has to constantly resort to insults probably doesn’t have a very good argument to make. Let’s just say I’m not surprised that the person who quickly…
Shit. I’d hate to see what you were like before.
“Agree with me that you are wrong or else or provide another explanation in which I will refuse to address any of your points and instead resort to insults and snarky condescension that I will convince myself is definitive proof of my great powers of logic.”
You sound like a really hateful person. I hope you find the love you need.
It’s a decent plan to pretend you are winning and become extremely condescending when you’re losing an argument but it won’t work with me. The insults are a little childish as well. You’re better than that.
LOL. I’ll say it again: I owned your ass. I didn’t delete it because I thought it was stupid but because I realized I was in the wrong thread. It’s pretty hilarious how big a deal you’re making out of this.
Sure. Churchill was a great wartime leader. I’m just tired of people not giving the Soviets enough credit.
Nope. “Harassment” is an extremely broad term that has more meanings than the two you have posted here.
Oh. I see. Well in that case I thought I was responding in a different thread. I don’t know how to delete messages on here so I edited to make it more applicable to this thread.
What bullshit? Are you claiming that Obama didn’t receive a large amount of funding from insurance companies?
What? That’s just a weird thing to say, man.
I didn’t but feel free to think whatever makes you feel better. In my time talking to you you’ve already demonstrated an impressive ability to avoid reality.
Legal term? What? It can be, but it isn’t exclusively. The rest of the paragraph is just dishonest garbage.
Wow. You’re a terrible person.
If i edited something it was right after I posted to correct a typo.
Nope. I don’t want one. I’m sorry I’ve interrupted your hero worship of Obama.