I’m from the Hudson Valley. These people are tougher than boiled owl and don’t fuck around. They will find a new donor or build it with their bare hands.
I’m from the Hudson Valley. These people are tougher than boiled owl and don’t fuck around. They will find a new donor or build it with their bare hands.
It’s too bad this means the center doesn’t get finished, though at the same time it makes this principled stand even more impressive. It’s something everyone there clearly wants and recognizes that they need; they just feel that the personal cost is too high.
Sadly, I will most likely be watching this garbage come September. I want to see how further Hazelnut Spread has fucked up her mug. I also want her to address the Kat Williams situation.
Also Roger Ailes’ Sugartits Jam.
What do you mean “but with?”
Obama has given 20 million people healthcare, done more to regulate Wall Street than any president since FDR, including making the great Elizabeth Warren’s Consumer Finacial Protection Bureau happen and increased the social safety net overall to an extent no one has since LBJ - he’ll be remembered as one of the greats…
I wish we stigmatized rape and abuse from a young age the way we do drugs. Can we get a D.A.R.E program for assault FFS?
Southwest and Hawaiian are the only US airlines that I have not experienced “overstepping bitche[s].” There was once a mildly grumpy Southwest attendant, but the other attendant came by, unprompted, and gave our row free cocktails for the inconvenience.
I have been saying that since the beginning of this farce of an election. Every time one of the GOP whines about Trump bringing the party down I want to remind them that this is simply the chickens coming home to roost.
Oh, he is a complete joke.
Pretty sure he delegates most of the running of the company and concentrates on promoting himself/his brand, so I'm not sure that counts as relevent experience.
That was my immediate thought! Why would you assemble it upright? Just the sheer avocado-ness of it, like way way too much avocado per unit beef. Put it on its side and you can make a bigger patty so it’s not just a cubic meter of squishy avocado in every bite.
He is if nothing else; an honest Libertarian candidate. If you understand Libertarian ideology, then you can predict Johnson’s views and choices on 99% of things without fail. Since Libertarians are hardcore idealists who are completely blind to what’s practical and reality in general.
When decades of “government is the problem” rhetoric, combined with virulent anti-intellectualism, combined with worship of business enterprise above social good, combined with continual stoking of racist, sexist, xenophobic fear and hatred all finally coalesce into the puffed-up tangerine spectre of Donald Trump—the…
She is beautiful. I really like her hair.
*Raises Hand* Hmm I can think of at least one personal reason why I despise Leto’s guts. He’s a disgusting pedobear who grooms teenage girls. While this isn’t the most well known thing, if you dig around enough you’ll find many a starry eyed millenial 90's kid who has unsavory stories about Leto’s predatory ways. I…
The look of pure, childlike joy on his face, followed by a photo of him wearing the thing? I just.. I just can’t help but feel happy for him.