
I can’t believe I am going to type this next sentence.

That’s right! They decided to send their kids to a local public school instead of a private school. What CANT the West Wing teach us?

None. In fact it’s going to put a YUGE stress on the Secret Service. West wing addressed this in detail with President Elect Santos.

Now playing

ME TOO. This is my favorite. Well, and this one:

They are different. The CIA are like spies and the FBI are like super police. I don’t know. I’m stupid right now. But they are different.

She doesn’t have a “pop star name” .... she has a good movie name.

I am so bored by Hailee Steinfeld. Fam, why do y’all keep trying to make her a thing? That music? This movie? She is so aggressively uninteresting.

Looking great in the sense of having style, being beautifully put together. It’s not necessary, but, like wit, it’s a huge plus.

I will never forget the vicious hard-on the Right had for her and Chelsea. It’s hard for me to take accusations of her sneakiness or treasonisms or whatnot seriously because I remember, so clearly, how she was being punished for being a declared feminist.