
I used to think Apple had the best interface when put up against Android. That was until a few years ago. Now (depending on the phone or interface used) Android is much better. I just think a home screen of icons is unnecessary. I've got mine set up so that I can swipe up for apps and down for the dialer.

Jujubee? Maybe not.

I only know who this guy is because I saw a clip of him being said douche on Conan. I wouldn't be able to pick him out of a crowd and I sure as hell would have kicked him or any other celebrity out of my store. I hate that "celebrity" somehow grants culturally significant status. It doesn't.

I never played the DLC (my wife barely let me get through the game). But the rest I did the same. I kept looking for a way to get Alistair killed off though... what a pansy.

If it's got a control stick, I play inverted regardless of circumstance. If it's got a mouse, I play "normal". The motion is more natural. If I'm looking up, my head tilts back. If I'm looking down, my head tilts forward. To me "inverted" is mapping up on a stick to up and "down" to down. Most of my friends

Probably because the racks themselves are usually only $30-40. A reliable set of panniers would be in excess of $100. The racks are pretty useful in and of themselves since if you don't have the cash for the bags you can just bungee stuff to them and it'll usually work well. So assuming you have the rack already or

Wow. I know how to say his last name. Because it's MINE!

Don't be political, Gizmodo. Be Gizmo related. I read this site because I don't give a flying you know what about flipping politics... You want to write a piece about potentially dangerous medicine? Fine. But don't politically align yourself. You just polarize your readers so that half of them say "Heck yes" and

I work from home one day a week to take care of our newborn. The first day I decided to telecommute wearing nothing but a pair of Smartwool socks for a few hours. Then I got dressed. I only get 4-6 hours of productivity into the 8-5 slot, maybe a bit more later if I'm backed up. So certainly feeding the newborn


I agree. I've used the Magic Mouse and, well, eh. I must admit that after using a trackpad on last year's Mac Book Pro, I really liked it. It trounces my 2" trackpad on my laptop. I'd actually use a peripheral trackpad if it was cheap enough and functioned in the same way.

Not sure why people are so up in arms about someone feeling they don't need a smartphone. If you want/need one, then get one, if you don't want one or can't conceive of a reason to own one, who the hell cares? Unless, of course, Samsung reps are in this forum. If so, please send me a new Epic Touch 4g. Otherwise

Cute, I suppose.

I'm one of 2.1 people in IT at my company supporting a few hundred across the states (one of the IT guys... isn't). My auto reply always says exactly what I want people to ignore. "I will not check my email when I'm out. I'm on vacation, and probably too boozed to reply anyway. If I do check my email, my wife will

It is certainly pretty dang lame. I've had auto replies that say "so long suckers" and "Probably too boozed to care" in them. Nobody even reads auto replies anyway.

For me it was all about Celes

Only chat client I use.

I've found that it's almost always faster to get the data and wipe if MBAM or Spybot can't clean a machine in one go. Problem is, you never know how bad the infection is until you've run it a few times. I'm doing virus cleans probably four or five times a week, so I'm ready to try out this tool.

Lots of comments about how this is ridiculous, and I agree. However, they didn't' say it WOULD kill it off, only that its their aim.

I'm a firm believer that the best FFs were IV and VI (tied in my book). VII was a lot of fun, but not my fave.