
Steve Blum is starting to drive me bonkers when I hear his voice. I'm usually cool with his voice (since I like it) in certain characters. But when I played Mad World and he voiced the main character there, it drove me nuts...

My Kindle, iPod nano (the real one, not the screen). Blocks out the world and that's all that matters. Unless my wife is there. Then I have to leave an ear open to let her know I'm sorta listening.

So it's the next right to the left of the sign or....

I think you have Phendrana Drifts from Metroid Prime up there already, those were breathtaking when I first saw them. I'll call to attention Beyond Good & Evil, Assassin's Creed I & II, and though I've seen some posts for the 2008 Prince of Persia, I must add to them. They were pretty amazing.

Didn't work for the Dreamcast. Didn't work AT ALL. They're taking a huge risk here. If Sony/MS do to them what the PS2 did to Sega it'll bury whatever Nintendo's new system is. I'd hate to see that. If Nintendo can bring forward a piece of hardware that can significantly outpace PS3/360 and brings more awesome

This happened to a friend of mine. They had a renter who was trafficking the stuff and the week after he moved out my buddy got home to find all the computers, games, movies, and game systems GONE. The police left the warrant on the kitchen table. Eventually it all got sorted out and the former renter plead guilty.

LOL, that would be pretty funny if they gave a few of them away and preached on the evils of video gaming.

I live pretty close to the Crossing and I'm usually okay with how they work. In the past they've given out donated (working well) cars and furniture and things to get people in the doors. I thought that was great because those serve people's NEEDS. And well, TV's and game consoles/handhelds don't really do that.

Exactly. It's all about self control, and it always has been. I get very good work done in a coffee shop, but only if the work I have to do can be geared for that environment. One nice thing about that coffee shop environment is that Netflix and Hulu will likely run like crap considering everyone else who is

I'd take a Jade Empire sequel over anything else Bioware is pushing right now save Mass Effect 3 (I still play through 1&2 a lot). Jade Empire is probably my favorite RPG of the last decade.

I got one anonymously from a Cisco rep trying to sell me equipment. My Epic 4g takes video that's almost on part with the Ultra HD. And like the article said the only real difference is image stabilization. The mic on the thing is great, and it does a bit better in the dark. But I have no use for it.. That and

I was just going to go with the blanket statement of "Wisconsin", but your answer works, too. ;)

Much as I love a good Zelda game, I don't like how we've been getting them at the end of console cycles lately. Don't get me wrong, they were amazing, but even then, I'm used to Nintendo taking their time to make games great. Can't we let Skyward Sword sit until new hardware can make Link appear in HD and we can see

After playing Einhander for the first time I decided I needed it no matter the circumstances. After buying THREE defective copies from ebay (all of which were between $80-90), and getting my refunds I then decided to try Gamestop's website. They claimed they had a copy so I bought it (for $26, DOH!!!). Same thing.

Light bikes are like kites. If your center of gravity is nice and high then a cross wind can give you a jolt. It's nothing a seasoned biker won't be able to handle. But if you're on 6-12lb bike odds are you're not a heavyweight either. So the kite effect is a little higher.

Japanese know karate. It's the Chinese that know kung fu. Get your ridiculous stereotypes straight. Or gay...

Amen on the wifi switch. When your boss is a millionaire who by some divine rite cannot be wrong, this particular switch is a giant bitch when he/she loses wifi to the interweb daemons.

Every laptop that requires you to use the FN key in order to use the normal funciton keys. Seriously, nobody needs that quick of access tot he light and media buttons that they should be the primary purpose of the F1-12 keys. That's a HUGE asshole design flaw.

You mean like Gawkers shitty new layout? I don't care about the form but the width. If I wanted to read a mobile site, I'd use my phone to read the damned thing...

Hammer's betrayal in Xenogears. He's just the kind of guy to be a turncoat but you figure he's weak and insignificant...