
I am not re-buying Star Wars or the Alien movies for blangovision.

Oh my gosh, The Doctor and Doc Brown and Batman on one team in one game!!! I’ll take eight! (Number of copies I’ll buy and my Doctor of choice)

This task was annoying on PS2, but it became hair-pullingly-exasperating with the HD remasters. The timing is off now, so the beat you could follow on the PS2 original is completely off here. You don’t need a robot to get the job done, though. Just run over to one of the lightning rods that’s near a crater. Run over

Yep, basically the closest I’ll come to a Bruce Timm Hulk.

The game lost me when I found out that I couldn’t play Rocket in the Avengers set. And then my kid stopped giving a shit.

Lizard Squad leader is ordered to fight against cybercrime.

Every time I hear people complain about something in Fates I’m just like

The hottest new thing in Moniga del Garda is La Scaletta. It has everything. Waiters that whisper the specials breathlessly in your ear, pizza cubes, chairs made of shitty tippers, entitlement cocktails, lamps that look like upside-down boobs, ice with messages inside about everything you did wrong in your childhood,

Achievement get: Getting wood

“The Order are the very best at what they do: Warrior, Redstone Engineer, Griefer, and Architect.”

  • No online pre-orders

Supporting the game “because it has the confederate flag in it” oversimplifies the situation though.

I can see why you might be confused, the ‘m’ in ‘game’ is silent. All along you have been reading gay articles, it should have been obvious!

We already have, though with acceptance they've been diminishing. I used to be able to cause projectile vomiting and uncontrollable rage on people. Now they call me fabulous. I am not fabulous I am a dangerous amiibo collecting machine.

I guess I really need to watch out for that perma-death thing now.

They better not have copied Fire Emblem. I live in the U.S, and the last thing I want is having to fight barbarians with a sword.

Yey! Does this mean I can get a combat bonus instead of kids?

Sounds like Person 1 got hit with “Life”