
You. I like you.

That’s why this was my last costume :)

I’m personally not a fan of gender bends (for myself, you do you!). I like to try and recreate a character as accurately as possible, and I almost always make boys. :)

Well I’ve already made Clank and K1-b0, let’s complete the trifecta of PlayStation robots :)

As a plus size woman I have done some incredible work and would love to make 2B. I also don’t like being told to go kill myself repeatedly by fan boys for ruining their favorite thing.

Time to make some noise then! :)

why not both?

GoW doesn’t have enlarging text as far as I know, but it has subtitles, adjustible QTEs and a lot of other things I’ve been begging for years.

Now playing

As a legally blind person THANK THE HEAVENS.

Hey Luke! I’m a legally blind cosplayer, and I usually just post my stuff directly to TAY, one of the Kotaku sister sites. If you ever want something for here, though, I’m always happy to write up a piece. I recently did a little compilation of a cosplay I made, photographed, and edtied myself over there, and

Mike. I have a laser cutter and make custom T shirts. Don’t tempt me.

Got his preorder on lockdown!

Danganronpa v3

That was like episode 3 of the original anime... I am so so sorry for misreading you though.

You said you saw the old show, right?

It’s in the episode where Kino and Hermes fall into a field of poppies.

Kino was a girl who becomes agendered as they age. It’s a major plot point.

No, K1-b0 from Danganronpa! These are his eyes and collar (I’m doing it as a mask)