Is asexual. Still awaiting patch for universe to find nonsexpartner.exe.
I posted it in the first thread, but will direct you all right over here:
But this is a NEW 3DS/ It is a separate system! Duh!
Fish are friends not food.
I’d also like to point out I was 10 when that story that I posted happened. So hopefully the staff weren’t hitting on me then. Because gross.
I live in a major city. There are just as many girls in my Gamestop when I enter as there are guys. And whoever happens to be at the counter serves me. Not hit on me, not chat me up. Rings up my purchases.
This is a surprise. Who owns it now? Disney?
Yeah but I don’t get sleazy stuff either, not at GameStop, not at the comic shop. Also the GM of my local GameStop is a girl.
I am legally blind. The DMV, at least by me, also issues non-driver ID cards that look like licenses except they say FOR IDENTIFICATION ONLY. Check your local DMV and see if they issue them.
/sits down with popcorn/
Wow. No seriously. The combination of luck and skill is impressive.
Octodad: Dadliest Catch.
Starring for the end pun.
Just out of curiosity...this post is from June. Why are so many people responding today? Did it get reposted somewhere?
This woman deserves a medal. Three medals.
I’m blind, okay? Cut me a little slack. :P
If only it were actually knitted. I want a yarn Yoshi plush.....
12-14 ish?