
Tom Nook nothing. This man is the face of pure evil. Trying to collect some paintings to finish out your museum? NOPE ALL FAKE.

Is asexual. Still awaiting patch for universe to find nonsexpartner.exe.

I posted it in the first thread, but will direct you all right over here:

But this is a NEW 3DS/ It is a separate system! Duh!

Fish are friends not food.

I’d also like to point out I was 10 when that story that I posted happened. So hopefully the staff weren’t hitting on me then. Because gross.

I live in a major city. There are just as many girls in my Gamestop when I enter as there are guys. And whoever happens to be at the counter serves me. Not hit on me, not chat me up. Rings up my purchases.

This is a surprise. Who owns it now? Disney?

Yeah but I don’t get sleazy stuff either, not at GameStop, not at the comic shop. Also the GM of my local GameStop is a girl.

I am legally blind. The DMV, at least by me, also issues non-driver ID cards that look like licenses except they say FOR IDENTIFICATION ONLY. Check your local DMV and see if they issue them.

/sits down with popcorn/

Wow. No seriously. The combination of luck and skill is impressive.

Octodad: Dadliest Catch.

Starring for the end pun.

Just out of curiosity...this post is from June. Why are so many people responding today? Did it get reposted somewhere?

This woman deserves a medal. Three medals.

I’m blind, okay? Cut me a little slack. :P

If only it were actually knitted. I want a yarn Yoshi plush.....

12-14 ish?