Division by Zero

Benjamin Franklin said it best, "Guests, like fish, begin to smell after 3 days."

This feature has apparently been around for a long time. I just tested it on Outlook 2000 and it works there too.

@ras_d: I disagree about not giving some leeway in checking and responding to email. I believe 4 hours is perfectly reasonable for a business-related email because the recipient may not be in a situation to be able to respond for several hours. If I'm conducting a training session, I consider it quite rude for a

@mike_311: One thing that impressed me when I interviewed with my current employer was their use of IM. We use IM constantly and it saves a lot of time plus sanity because we don't have much phone chatter going on. If we need to know something quickly, we just IM. More companies should allow it.

@econobiker: One of the problems that we encounter in my workplace is that although we don't have a size cap on attachments that we send, many of our clients have caps on the size of attachments that they receive. In 2009 I really think it's unreasonable to have a 2MB cap, but we bump into it all the time. Sometimes

It's all about what people will put up with. If more people start flying with the carriers that offer the most legroom the others will have to adjust their seat pitch accordingly. If the same number of people keep flying with carriers who offer less legroom there's no incentive for them to change anything.

I rent about 12-15 times a year and I definitely agree with the advice to always get the full insurance coverage. On one trip last year a collision with a large dog (unfortunately unavoidable) did several thousand dollars worth of damage to my rental car. My only obligation was to fill out the accident report.

@jupiterthunder: I do believe that this is a case of doing whatever it takes to land the interview and then selling the hell out of yourself. The resume simply gets you past the gatekeeper. I would think most employers these days expect most candidates to have gaps in their employment history. It's simply the

@CnEY: I firmly believe that jobs that lasted for less than 3 or 4 months or that were strictly part-time to begin with have no place on a resume. If you delivered pizza on nights and weekends as a 2nd job, leave it off the resume. If you took a job with a road construction crew for a couple of months so you could

I use my Outlook calendar which is synced with my blackberry, so this is a bit redundant for me. For anyone with just a "plain" cell phone, it might be handy.

This is my busy season for being on the road so most of my viewing is taking place on the internet. Unfortunately I occasionally get stuck in a hotel that has download speeds only marginally better than dial-up.

I use this trick all the time at work when I need to be super-productive or just don't feel like dealing with office BS. It also comes in handy to pretend that I can't hear certain things that I actually can.

@dmccall: My milk tends to last well beyond the "expiration" date because I always keep it at the very back of the fridge. I've done this for years and saved a lot of milk as a result. You can also freeze milk if you're going away for a few days so it won't spoil while you're gone.

@Terry: Headphones are essential travel gear for me. During my busy season I'm in some airport somewhere just about weekly and headphones help me to be able to tune the world out so I can get some work done. They also come in handy in the hotel when I'm watching Hulu and don't want to hear anything else.