Diversity Hire

Men don’t go to stylists. They go to barbers.

LOL. Every war after the establishment of the Federal Reserve hasn’t been in the US interest. The bankers who finance those wars wanted those wars - not US citizens. We don’t need wars to fight wars against communism; communism will fail on its own.

These are the fruits of feminism. The patriarchy would shut down crazy bitches like this.

Stupid people are their own worst enemy. Homeboy should have brought someone with a brain to help.

I financed my last 2 cars with 0% loans. I’ve never seen a credit union do that.

Are you ok with raising the age for the draft and voting to 21 also?

LOL relying on government inflation numbers? Gas is 4x as expensive as 20 years ago. Nobody except the rich are making 4x as much as 20 years ago.

Oh, and had there been an age restriction on gun purchases, Cruz wouldn’t have been able to buy his guns.

And yet the rich got richer, and the poor got poorer.

This article is how you know fat girls run Gawker or whatever the fuck they are now.

Haha. I didn’t even read all that shit. Fact remains that the school and cops colluded to not punish crimes in the legal system. Had they not implemented this abortion of a plan, Cruz wouldn’t have been able to buy his guns.

You didn’t call me a racist. What kind of a troll are you?

I don’t see any downside in this. OC gets rid of criminals, and discourages them from coming back.

OC has its problems, but it’s a hell of a lot better than LA.

It’s about getting people hooked on government handouts, citizens or not.

Woman drivers. Soyboy husbands. I wish they all would have drowned.

I think you are unaware of the facts about this:

t h i r s t y

Do you think that if they publicly advertised that they were going to turn a blind eye to student crime that the plan would be tolerated by the residents of their area? I don’t think so, and that’s why I used the word collude.

Dump her before she finds out you have guns. If she knows about the guns during a breakup, she’s likely to initiate a restringing order out of spite, and then the government will take your guns without you even being able to argue, and without any proof whatsoever. You are in serious peril, and you might even want to