Fuck illegals. Get the fuck out of my country.
Fuck illegals. Get the fuck out of my country.
Why bother? Star Wars has gone to crap. Save yourself the trouble of having to explain why they used to be good and important movies, and why the new ones are crap and pissing all over the franchise.
Got Milk?
Straight Bud on tap is pretty damn nice. Bottled or canned doesn’t taste as good.
This is a level of trolling I wasn’t prepared for.
Fucking care bears. Games should have mechanics to reward better play. But I guess they want that easy money from kids parents.
Fucking Honda fanbois. I don’t get it.
The census is a joke. People rightfully fear the government, and sending people door to door to collect census information is going to get people killed. My dad worked for the census in 2010 (for kicks, he’s retired) and the people he encountered were crazy and unhinged.
Second class citizens.
The Greatest Generation is the reason that Boomers are such shit. They failed parenting, and allowed their children to be raised on TV dinners and degenerate media.
Make Puerto Rico Independent Again.
They let this fucker smoke on set? Seriously?!? How fucking much of a primadonna is this guy?!?
A lot of people who legally purchased guns, in California for example, have had their legally owned guns rendered illegal by changes in the law. And I’m not talking about things like bump stocks.
If having a phone isn’t privilege, I suppose you’d be ok with voter ID?
I had to google Johnny Storm. LOL. We’re done here. Dick.