Diversity Hire

Do you know anything about firearms?

Careful now. You are close to becoming what you accuse me of.

Well, that’s why I’m right and you’re wrong.

Wow. What an enlightened response.

LOL! A trick. Wow.

Heh. The truth is acerbic. You hate me because I am right.

As if the name Diversity Hire wasn’t enough of a clue. Jesus you are fucking dumb.

You don’t get to tell me what race I am.

I think you are out of touch. Too much (((indoctrination))). Too much relying on bad polls, and worse conclusions.

Ask them for the recipe. They might still have it, and since they aren’t making it anymore, they might let you have it.

I’m asserting my point. If you don’t accept it, whatever.

“Which poll are you referring to? It can’t be the pew research poll.”

Well I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree, because phone polling is bullshit, and lends no credibility to your assertion.

OK My bad. I read the polling methodology.

Where does that article say black people overwhelmingly favor guns

Also, those are university polls where black college students, the most privileged blacks, are for gun control. They do not represent blacks as a whole.

Metal detectors. They work in the hood where there aren’t any school shootings.

The genesis of gun control was to keep blacks from having them. Blacks are overwhelmingly in favor of keeping our gun rights, and peeling back the egregious regulations that only harm lawful owners.