Diversity Hire

Are these better or worse than my single Henckels?

Are these better or worse than my single Henckels?

Why isn’t she wearing something that shows off her boobs?

What the hellman? This is the west coast. We have Best Foods here.

That doesn’t seem like all that great of deal... but I don’t need 6 blades either.

That doesn’t seem like all that great of deal... but I don’t need 6 blades either.

Good thing you are here to perform spellcheck.
Unfortunately, that’s all you got.

This is what being a cunty feminist has come to ladies. You want it all and you get nothing. The laws are so bad that we’d rather hump a silicone doll than put our hard earned wealth at risk by having relationships with women. More proof that feminism, and women in general are toxic to society, and validation that

Remember when Nissan made good cars?

Heh.. $420

Heh.. $420

Your friend? Expensive dinners? What are you doing to this person? Is this one of your orbiters who you’re keeping on the back burner instead of making a priority? Sounds like he’s getting tired of being in the freindzone and is trying to get rid of you by you opting out of his invitations to dinners where you can’t

You need as many gears as it takes to get cruising at 80mph just above idle.

Hey black people, remember that only white people are liberal and tolerant enough to accept you. Blacks are hated everywhere in the world.

LOL cat ladies. I guess if all you have in the world is your cat, might as well take out a line of credit for it.

$19? For a crap kids movie? WTF. $5 is the deal zone for movies.

$19? For a crap kids movie? WTF. $5 is the deal zone for movies.

More government power is the answer, right?

And they say women don’t rape.

Loans for college are a scam, and the reason it is so expensive. Your parents should save if they want to send you to college. Or, pay your own way. I don’t want my taxes being spent on people who got degrees in crap like gender studies.

The consensus from most offroaders seems to be that automatic transmissions are better because you won’t burn out your clutch doing some of the more extreme hill climbing and rock crawling. Manual is fine for overlanding for the most part.

John McEnroe is a cult of personality. He’s larger than life. He’s interesting. Martina is just a former player. Of course McEnroe deserves more, because he brings more.

Nice to see U3 cards on sale. Class 10 is beyond antiquated and needs to be ignored.

Nice to see U3 cards on sale. Class 10 is beyond antiquated and needs to be ignored.

Female hispanic project manager. Yay girl power.