Fiduciary isn’t much of an assurance. Do your own homework. Don’t trust anyone. Don’t gamble more than you can afford to lose.
Fiduciary isn’t much of an assurance. Do your own homework. Don’t trust anyone. Don’t gamble more than you can afford to lose.
Killing Africanized Killer Bees is racist.
They won’t be caught. And Pepsi is a crime against humanity.
Cunts initiate 75% of divorces because... they are cunts.
The irony of the shit we allow illegal aliens to get away with here. Holding them to the standard you mentioned would be RACIST! :)
Japan’s idea of sanitary is inferior to western ideas of sanitary. They re-use wood and bamboo dishes which is illegal in the US because of the impossibility to appropriately sanitize those dishes. However, Japan is so paralyzed by tradition that it is allowed there despite the health risks. Placing a camera on the…
Japan is pathetic. They are a bunch of kowtowing, mealy mouthed, pussies. You can’t even get straight answers from Japanese because they are incapable of expressing themselves genuinely, without fear of shame. But work for them, and they will stab you in the back no fucks given. At least the Chinese are obvious about…
The author clearly doesn’t understand what the word “irrational” means.
I’ve been subscribed to TKYOSAM for a few years. He’s a good guy who is just trying to get by. I recommend everyone subscribe and donate to him. He’s one of the better Japan vloggers. However, Victor, the old fart known as Gimmieaflakeman is a raging douchebag.
I’ll have to take your word on that.
You are all wrong. Ford is copying Aston Martin... Again.
“Although most people don’t know chickens as well as they know cats and dogs, chickens are interesting individuals with personalities and interests every bit as developed as the dogs and cats with whom many of us share our lives.” -Cornel West
Prediction: Post-mortem will reveal that it was mis-marked/under-grade Chinese steel.
A burger flipping robot is stupid. Flame grilling tastes better, and there have been machines that cook those patties for ages (I used to work at Carls Jr.).
It’s been illegal to pay women less than men since the 1960s... so, women, either file suit, or come to grips with the fact that if you are paid less, it’s because your work is worth less.
It’s called 4d chess. Checkmate Trudeau.
Quite the opposite for me. Instead of skipping class, maybe they should do some book learning and critical thinking about why the forefathers thought that the right to be armed was so important.
I’m still waiting for my check for the women’s day march!
It’s because schools aren’t teaching the principles of why our forefathers created this country with personal freedom as sacrosanct. These idiot kids only know how to grovel before government.