I don’t see why people talk about pirating as if it’s the problem. Go ahead and make it so every pirate gets the chair. That will do nothing to increase the state of gaming or its sales.
I don’t see why people talk about pirating as if it’s the problem. Go ahead and make it so every pirate gets the chair. That will do nothing to increase the state of gaming or its sales.
Games are also not entitled to the money. Yes, he is stealing, but that doesn’t address the issues in gaming that lead people to pirate.
Are you a troll or do you not understand basic concepts in entertainment like the suspension of disbelief? This is a thing that every form of entertainment has to deal with and if you don’t get it you can’t provide worthwhile input on it.
That is not response. Video games still follow rules of logic, even if it is the games logic. We also push our own logic onto them.
It’s called suspension of disbelief, everyone has a limit. That limit is smaller on things that we understand the best. Most people understand the limits of a fat body, so when they see a 500 lb ninja running up a castle wall to assassinate the pope it pulls them out of it.
As a current fat-man working to lose the weight, obesity should not be shown in a positive light. It is a completely negative thing that ruins your health and limits your experiences as a person. Also, video games are escapist fantasy. Whose fantasy is it to be a 400lb ninja?
Why is a Character owning the idea of the “hog” a negatives? People take derogatory statements and names and own them all the time. Can that not apply to fictional characters?
She is more like 2/3rd best Zarya besides that, I 100% agree.
You also forgot
That is a good question. I am guessing they got that statement from a dipshit PR guy or something along those lines. There is no way I can see the language barrier and the fact that she is a one trick Zarya player being at the top of the list of problems they had with this player. Also, I am pretty sure she isn’t even…
Has the game labeled this character as Trans? Or is this just a bunch of people getting mad at a trailer? She or He could be a trap and there is a difference. One being someone that identifies with a different gender than the one they are born into and the other being someone who dresses like a woman, who may or may…
Has the game labeled this character as Trans? Or is this just a bunch of people getting mad at a trailer? She or He could be a trap and there is a difference. One being someone that identifies with a different gender than the one they are born into and the other being someone who dresses like a woman, who may or may…
It was hinted at through the game.
The thing is many people find the “OMFG, a trap!” thing very cool. Particularly in the weeby anime community, people will eat a game like Catherine up.
I never saw there being that big of an issue with Erica having the same nightmares as the men. I don’t see why magical demons targeting men for their soul would care about someones preferred gender. The rest I chopped up to laziness and cultural differences.
Good luck with that one. People, especially on the internet, are asses.
He did describe it as a “an insidious kind of peer pressure” so I think the “bullied” interpretation kind of fits, but the OP jumped the shark.
You kind of lose me when you say a difficulty slider pressured you into not playing a game on easy mode. Also, are you tone policing a slider bar here?
That will always be around tho. To complain about people being dicks is like complaining that the sun will come up. Play your game on the setting you enjoy and call it a day, but if you tell me that setting is anything below “I will murder you until you eat your neighbors cat!” I have the right to call you a pansy.
I really don’t care myself in the end, but if you are the type of person to be bother by stuff like white washing than this should bother you to. To be consistent anyway.