
Actully, no “spousal abuse, racism, bigotry, and all classes of just straight-up unethical, immoral bullshit.” this is BS.  I’ve never been that edgy so I don’t even no why I gave you that much. You are clearly damaged.  

>These are fictional characters who can’t make decisions for themselves because any decision they make is actually a decision made for them by the adults who created them. Therefore: these are adults sexualizing underage characters! This should... not be a difficult concept.

I don’t remember defending those thing, but who knows I made this account back in my edgy days. Maybe I need to make a new one so people can’t hid behind adhoms and address my arguments.

>As another has said to you: they’re fictional characters who are created by real people, who are being consumed by real people.

Except, no we wouldn’t. Well conservative asshats would, but that is the only we who tend to push women to cover up. The goal is to move towards more freedom of clothing and less stigmatization of women bodies. Or am I missing something?

>you know those are fictional characters that have always had their outfits dictated by actual people in the real world

I respect your use of fallacies while not knowing their definition.

Here is a question, what if music or movies went out of their way to cover up real women to appease conservative values? Would you be okay with it then? Or “it’s just video games so who cares” is as far as you are will to think on the subject? 

Not that I condone such actions, but if you homebrew you WiiU you can download a patch version of the game that undoes said censorship.

Let me guess, you are one of these people who only engage with the idea of oppression on gender and maybe racial lines. What about men who are on the bottom socioeconomic ladder? What about men of color? You seem like someone who has maybe read a feminist blog once and built a world view around it. 

My argument is that most of these creators are small one man two man teams making passion projects and things they like. The only way to get more sexualities and taste represented is to get people whose interest align with that into creating content. 

I can’t speak to the homophobia etc. of creators but the “Straight men aren’t your only audience, you know.” comes down to straight guys making things that themselves like. The only way to get Overwatch porn aimed at LGBTQ audiences is for more LGBTQ creators of for people to think of the porn they create as a

What about the violence against the man? She not only esculated the sittuation to violence first, she also kept coming back for more. To my understanding she has not been punished at all. Which is more standarded than not in woman v man demestic volence

His wife came on and tried to get him to stop streaming. He refused so she started throwing things at him. This led to him hitting her and this repeated several times

This seems like a someone is a little on the sensitive side. Is anyone being sent mean messages or harmed in any way? Or are people just making harmless cringe compilations?

you can have fun with whatever, just be ready to criticized for it!

Traps and Trans people are not the same things. at least when you are talking “Trap” in the context of Otaku Culture. Traps are typically at most Crossdressing males who are typically cis and often even straight. True Trans characters are rare without diving into fetishized porn.

I get what you are trying to say here, but chances are if you are the type to get offended by this, you should not play this game. This new character is clearly playing off of the “Trap” stereotype that has grown in popularity among Otaku. You have to be able to completely separate that from Trans people and their

didn’t she make a comment about rick people launching rocks at the earth from the moon?

It is if you are an ISIS member, but still a little on the sketchy side.