
The only way you can consider Obama one our best presidents is if your only point of reference is Bush. He didn’t deliver on half of his promises and the ones he did deliver on he gutted. Like removing the single payer option from ACA in order to get Republicans to vote for the bill (they didn’t). He also had a hard

Who is trying to derail the conversation?

a: Not all men is not a derailment when it is a response to yes all men. What you presented was a blanket statement that all men are bothered by menstruation more so than rape so I refuted it. b: You being ignorant or wrong about the original tweet doesn’t change things much. What kind of man is bothered more so by

Where does this say anything about woman’s rights? “- Guys, hate to break it to you, supporting an entire gender on virtue of its gender is something called “SEXIST”. This would apply to supporting men for the sake of their gender as well.

When social media exploded calling him a racist, etc over a podcast so I had to watch it. It was a Sargon of Akkad video, which has a lot of guilt of association. If I remember correctly he came out as a Anti-SJW stating that he had watched Sargon for a long time. That is where I think most of the hate aimed at him

Context matters, tho. The constant use of racial slurs does not really matter to me, unless they are used to insult or harm others.

What racial slurs did he use and in what context? I’m not sure what projection you are seeing here. Is this a case of “he disagrees with me so he is Conservative”?

Except you called for him to be dropped “drop Jontron”. The only reason being that he holds Conservative views and was will to express them. I think he is wrong, doesn’t make him a piece of shit.

He came out as a conservative more or less and went on a stream with Sargon of Akkad, an anti-feminist/anti-sjw/insert buzz word for the farrrrr left. He expressed views against BLM, Feminism, immigration and bunch of other issues that will get you labeled a Nazi and punched.

Yes! Everyone with center/center right views must have their livelihoods stripped and away. Than we can put them all into some sort camp were they can work off their debt to society for wrong think. Or we can just give them a free shower “wink wink”

God to be arrested over a joke, that is just sad.

Do a basic google search. Europeans have been enslaved by Muslims, Romans and more if you are willing to go back far enough.

Do you really think that all of those rest belt voters that switched from Democrat to Republican, breaking the Blue Fire Wall, was Millennial Bernie Bros?

the falsehood that Clinton lost because she didn’t appeal to the “working class.”

I’m glad for all those excited, but I don’t get it. A character is now gay in a game where it will never, ever come up. The only way to find out is to read the comics, which I imagine a large portion of the audience don’t. Unless they add in a pre game dialog.

I think it fine for us (American or anyone) to criticize Anime, Fan Service or anything else. The problem is when it goes from criticism to “I don’t like it so change it!”, which seems to be a strong under current in D’Anastasio writing on the subject.

“it’s clear that there’s a path to success for anime without gratuitous fan service.”

I hate the fact that Russia is linked to these leeks. Here we have clear examples of corruption and general shaddynees of the DNC, media and the Clinton campaign, but we are expected to ignore that, because Russia.

I will not say that I agree with the way Nost is handling this, but to me they are in their rights. If you can no longer get a game or it’s not available to you in anyway. I say that emulation is 100$ A-OK. Also something similar did happen to Nintendo in the form of Operation Rainfall. That ended with numerous gamers

As long as, the conversation is opinions vs opinions it won’t get anywhere so a solid study or two would go a long way