
I guess if you want to get technical none of them are, just molesters, kidnappers and attempted murders.

“that they are actively turned off from anime because of these fanservice moments.” Not everything will appeal to everyone tho. I can stand Moe, the whole cute girls doing cute things doesn’t appeal to me, so I don’t watch it. I don’t expect Moe to change to suit my taste.

It’s all about those Jerky Knees. As long as, you are giving an opinion the accusation is baseless. I do think that changes when you call for changes based on that opinion.

I wouldn’t say the majority are against the conversation, but there is a sizable group with jerky knees that believe to even entertain the conversation legitimizes the oppositions opinion. My basic stance is just add more verity when it comes to things like this. Also I can never wrap my head around something like

Isn’t that just the nature of the beast? To break it down this is a discussion about the perceived problems with anime, using (in this case) a feminist lens. The goal of these discussions is typically to fix those problems. If you don’t agree with fanservice being a problem than people trying to remove, change or

Despite Sword Art Online being pretty main stream it also slips into some shit. There is basically three rapist in that show (counting the tentacle monster) that killed it for a lot of people. The show being crap is what killed it for me, but that’s just my opinion so it’s a fact.

I won’t lie, I enjoy the occasional fan-service centric show although rarely. I would also agree that it used as a crutch, but that is far as I go. I find it hard to accept that it’s a problem. Anime is pretty varied medium and it’s not hard to avoid the things you don’t like. Take Moe, I pretty much hate that crap

I surprise it took someone this long to get offended. They have the right to complain, but I hope Blizzard exorcises their rights and tell them “Na man”

I must be the luckiest person alive because in 125 hours of play time I have had exactly one toxic experience and that is being generous.

I hope she is better written than some of Marvel’s recent attempts at bringing in minority characters. Ms Marvel is really the only one I’ve really enjoyed so far.

The entire point of the video was to address his fans and inform them on why he would not be reviewing a movie that he was expected to review. It wasn’t meant to turn into this massive shit show that has turned into.

Wow! Giving his opinion on this stupid movie will haunt the AVGN until the day he dies.

Here are some less vaig reasons to not vote for Hillary (Just an example or two in each category you want more use google) .

This is the sentiment that will lead to a small voter turnout for liberals (who supported Bernie) and independents. Who benefits from a low voter turn out? The republicans. This Bernie-Bro, man-baby narrative is going to come back to bight the democratic party in the ass. That’s without looking at the horrible

My stance is simple if the creator wanted to give us an easy mode he would. The creator of the souls series has said: “Ever since Demon’s Souls, I’ve really been pursuing making games that give players a sense of accomplishment by overcoming tremendous odds”. He has a clear vision for how he wants his games

Is this a voting with your wallet situation? We have reviewers and various outlets righting articles about how the game should have an easy mode or be made easier for those who haven’t bought the game.

Yes, it seems to entail people complaining and telling them they did it wrong because they are incapable of experience their game as it was intended. Also informing them that they could make more money if they appealed to the lowest common denominator possible.

Commissioned work is not in the same category here. Ya, if I want a tatoo or basicly any of the things you mintoned above I have a say in the outcome. Do video games fall into the catagory? No. With the small except of maybe kickstarter games as they tend to make up front promises.

Video games are the only form of art where the consumer will dictate to the creator how they want to consume their creation. With the reason always being money or making it more accessible. Ignoring that if a game is difficult chances are that is part how they want people to experience their creation.

What if the developers wanted their game to be experienced in a certain way? Video games are the only form of art where the consumer will dictate to the creator how they want to consume their creation. With the reason always being money, because that is the only reason they can think up.