
...Wow, just, kill all the fun! Put the fun in camps, vhy don’t you?!

The vocal minority has held all of the cards for some time get used to it.

You thought it was Ken Masters, but it was me, Dio!

I personally fear the day when changes over someone being overly sensitive are not met with rage. That will be the same that the flavor is sucked out of everything.

How is this pose controversial? Half the cast have the exact same pose. One would think the murder would be more controversial than people looking over their shoulder, but I am crazy that way.

I am not saying I agree with this one way or the other, but I find it interesting. Changes made with-in video games are considered my the media and others to simply be localisation, because no government. Then you have the issues with the UK-Cartoon Network where they made changes to Steven Universe. That was decried

They disabled ratings.

Isn’t that the kind of comment that typically gets someone called a racist or sexist? I almost never see “Why don’t you go do X” as an acceptable answer to diversity question.

So do you consider all fan translations, edits or remixes to be theft? Or is just a problem when it happens to Nintendo? I say if someone has a the ability to get the game they wanted all the power to them. If Nintendo has a problem with it then maybe they will rethink some of their localization practices.

This is sweet and all, but I don’t get it. I have never found a game, movie, anime, comic or you name it more enjoyable; because the character and share the same gender. Hell, a lot of my favorite characters don’t share my gender or sexuality or race. Maybe I’m just odd.

Not taking the supposed victim’s word as gospel is not the same same as calling them a liar. Innocent until proven guilty is a human right and makes everyone equal under the eyes of the law. Should take the right away? Or only when it comes to rape cases?

:) Funny when I am called a SJW when I’m on most SJW blockbots. You could answer my question or state why Laura taking up basicly her fathers name is wrong from a story point of view. Or you can shout “SJW!” like it proves a point.

Depends on, characters you are talking about. Like take Miles Morales (Spider-man) he took over, after Peter Parker died in the Ultimate Universe. Laura is almost like a daughter taking over the family business.

Right. The article just explains the character a little and tells us that her boyfriend isn’t happy about her being reckless. Also that she got punched, which isn’t even a problem. I mean Logan once regenerated from a drop of blood in one story and if I’m right; her healing factor is better than his. (because she is

This is a nice example of anti-regressive left going crazy. Not every case of a woman or minority character being added into a story is an example of the “SJW-Menace!”. Some times it just makes sense. Can you name anyone more worthy to carry on Logan’s name than the woman he wanted to adopt as he own daughter. With a

Just to add to the convo. Spider-Woman is weaker physically than many other super heroes, and may be the weakest spider hero. She can only lift around seven tones, is slower than Silk and have no spider-sense once so ever.

The demand for a female Link goes back some time, the Zelda Wii U just reignited when people mistook Link for a girl. Either way, it still stands. The demand has been for a female incarnation of the Hero of Time or a female Link, not a completely new character. So where is this “just a female Link” complaint coming

Changing a controversial scene is one thing, but why cut something as PG-13 as petting game?

I don’t. Wasn’t Linkle made to fulfill a demand for a female version of Link that blew up around the announcement of Legend of Zelda WiiU? If Linkle is just another reincarnation of the Hero of Time, why should she be more than a female Link?

It’s one thing to not include a story in a game at all, cutting out at the story board step or what have you. It’s another to release a game than go back and cut out a part, because you are afraid of certain peoples reaction.