
Boeing sticker on side = fail.

I don't know who cast Emma Watson, but how the heck did they know she would grow up to be so damn hot!?

You had me at 'temporal invisibility.'

I think this is why my ex now keeps a salt-lick in her living room...

I never had a problem with the organic webshooters.. frankly I thought it made more sense... although the where he put those glands was a bit of a question..

"Perhaps the most beloved character of the Harry Potter series isn't Harry, Hermione or Ron. Especially in the Deathly Hallows films, the real stand-out is clearly Neville Longbottom. "

Holy Stretch Marks!! (0:52)...I said that once.. then she kicked me out..

"She has beat it at least 20 times and loves to run around the house hissing and trying to run up walls like a Xenomorph. "

This reminds me of the scene in waterworld where Costner takes Jeanne Tripplehorn to the submerged city. That was the one part of the movie I wish they'd expanded and had more time in. As someone that really enjoys underwater archeology, I would have rather had the whole movie take place in that submerged city...so

It was an Italian Pinto...

It's that sarlacc pit you have to watch out for...

That makes no sense. Vaders amor was to keep him alive... why would she be wearing it? And sans helmet at that... that's quite a bit of fail there.

Never thought I'd say this, but Megan Fox is much better looking than the trout face they've got here.

So Fiona Shaw when from a character that hated witches (and wizards) to playing a character that is a witch....

I miss the 70s.

Maybe Scotland's the only place they'll let him crash an airplane onto a major highway?

Won't someone please think of the children!?!?!

You really haven't seen a lot of movies...

Why do have? ...geees... I write a gooder engrish..