Divergent Evolution

I am just imagining a caveman from 30,000 years ago watching this and just face palming at how stupid we must be to need this taught to us.

Or you could just eat properly and exercise.......

Ofc magic isnt real, if it was then terrorist nations like the USA would have winked out of existence decades ago.

Adults that play these kinds of obvious kids games creep me out. The same way the adults that played club penguin creeped everyone out. I mean what are you people, mentally underdeveloped? slightly pedophilic? chemically imbalanced? or just simple minded?

Modern astronomy and astrophysics is proof of the fact that we as a species are devolving, not evolving.

You would think that an evolved species would know to build round structures in tornado zones.

Strange they release in cali when their recreational use laws havent been put into effect until next year. Seems like a better idea to tap the bigger markets in recreational use states.

You would think that if they are just going to copy Garry’s Mod playmodes they would be able to do a better job of it.

Racial equality means the color of your skin doesnt matter, so there are no “Black Americans” or White Americans”, there is no “Black American Culture” or “White american culture”.

Sounds like a great idea until you realize that the population will simply be 85% RMT’s competing with themselves.

When you define a person by the color of their skin you are racist. Racial equality means that the color of your skin doesnt matter, so why do you and this site always define everything by white people this or black people that?

There are moderators for streams and tools for blocking, spend some effort and deal with it yourselves. The tools needed to stop it are all available to you.

Probably because the Olympics, Winter games, World cups and Commonwealth games are all ways to launder taxpayer money into the friends of politicians pockets.

Copyrights, IP, trademarks and patents stifle innovation, they do not promote it. Creating a new product means you are first to the market, that is your reward, not sole control over the product for 50+ years.

Dont you feel stupid for being just as racist as you accuse others as being?

You are not my nigger, but I am also not your white oppressor. Grow up you silly child.

Elon Musk also paid John McCain to block the sale of Russian rocketry components that would have competed with his own.

Being fat and consuming more than you need is not an aspect of your freedom, it is a manifestation of your selfishness.

The world is NOT over populated, it is unequally distributed for food and resources. One of the causes of this unequal distribution is fat asses in developed nations eating enough for a family of four

Cupcakes, this is the normal temp for the area I live in in Mexico and it isnt that hot AND I am originally from Canada.

Sounds like someone uses plastic garbage american cheese on their burgers, a nice thick piece of applewood smoked cheddar wont melt with your tomfoolery. Also sounds like someone doesnt sauce both sides of the burger LIKE AN IDIOT.

he is streaming his hand for anyone to see, this is digital natural selection nothing more.