Divergent Evolution

And probably within a mile of them dozens of hungry and homeless people.

“And Nero fiddled as Rome burned” A very apt metaphor for most of todays societies. The time for fun and games is over, if you want a future and or a long life I suggest you tards get your heads out of your asses and start fixing your societies.

Prison are retarded, especially private prisons. Why should the tax payers pay for him to live? The man is a piece of shit, he should be put to work on national infrastructure programs until he dies.

Meh, kind of torn. Nettards do need a good smack in the mouth to understand consequences. But if Harvard has ever has a single dollar of Tax payer money given to it, then it is legally obligated to support free speech.

Trump is literally how the rest of the world has viewed the USA since they invaded the dictator they put into power in the first place, Saddam.

An ignorant, bigoted, uneducated, uninformed, extremist piece of arrogant shit that needs to be put in their place.

It was a bad movie, period. Disregarding all the bullshit SJW garbage, it was a bad movie.

The world needs to stop enabling terrorism by treating the USA like it is not the biggest terrorist entity that history has ever known.

We need to wall off the USA and ban it from intl trade and travel until they disarm and dismantle their terrorist state.

Americans are the most disgusting pieces of meat history has ever known. From 7b people, die quietly you filthy terrorists.

Fat people should be shamed into being normal. They consume more than anyone else like its their right, they tax healthcare systems and generally slow society down as a whole.

If you want to be fat, go live in a cave where your personal choices dont effect all of society.

Holy shit, you are making streamin far far far more expensive and complicated than it has to be.

So, seize their company, sell off its IP and assets and put the proceeds into a tax relief fund for citizens.

Business is not a right, it is a privilege. One that can be taken away at anytime.

Seems odd that they would give a deal to some alt news page with very suspect owners and a history of piss poor reporting and attack pieces. Not Deadspin itself, obviously, but Kinja is a cesspit on the internet of shit journalism and even shittier morals.

It will take a lot more than a new leader to make the USA anything but the worlds biggest terrorist entity. Respected? Not for thousands of years, you all have some serious atonement coming.

And people wonder how Hitler was able to take power. Gradually, overtime, populations become devolved, base, xenophobic and hostile as they degrade into failure as a nation and a culture.

Such is the Case with the USA, it has been dying slowly since 1913.

When all you see is the color of someones skin, you are a fucking racist.

She is angry because he fucks his daughter more than her now.

Men are allowed to smack the shit out of women, we are equal after all.

Thrill seekers lives must be so shallow and pointless to drive them to risk their lives for such redundant reasons.

Because fuck realism! Pandering to redundant SJW’s is far more profitable!

Yet more proof that “Social media” actually dehumanizes people and dilutes social interaction to the point where you feel it holds no real consequences.

Imagine that, a nation that has been terrorizing the globe for centuries gets terrorized in turn.

The best way to keep your nation safe is to not rampage around the world killing families in their sleep with your airstrikes and toppling their governments.
Hate to be that guy, but you reap what you sow. Dont like it,