Divergent Evolution

Tragic that we have yet to realize that young suicides are indications of bad parents and a corrupt environment for them to live in.

Hotlines dont save suicides, proper parenting and a positive society to live in does.

You cant copyright strike material after precedence has been set via your inaction to copyright all videos using your material.

Also, wargaming.net is also a pure shit, exploitative, profiteering company that should get called out.

You obviously have no idea about what you are talking about.

They didnt intend it to travel the way it did, there is 0 legitimate way to predict how much they have made, and a professional would know that and this wouldnt even be possible if our governments were not so stupid and out of touch that they allow critical

In a civilized world terrorist entities like the USA would be banned from foreign trade and forcibly disarmed.

Enjoy it while it lasts, terrorists. 7b people see you for what you are and we are coming.

SO not sluts or hookers because no sex, but they will still do things with you for money and use their women status to do it??

Seems legit, I mean I always knew feminism was a joke.

Americans need to realize that to the rest of the 7b people on this planet (you know the vast majority) the USA has been Trump for decades.

A hostile, xenophobic, uneducated, sexist, bigoted, ignorant, extremist collection of stupidity.

Many laws in all our countries are ridiculous. He knew the law, he willfully broke it, he goes to jail. If you dont like it then stop allowing religions to dictate laws, the world over.

Good, they did a horrible job on andromeda. I am sure deadlines were an issues, but fuck deadlines and publishers, a good product saves all and they opted to pander to their investors instead of their customers.

All depends on how much shit our governments allow amoral corporations to put in our food.

The concept of free market capitalism is one of the most ignorant, shortsighted, harmful social systems ever crated. Corporations and business should be regulated into oblivion, until they are forced to service the nation they

Gender equality means that it doesnt matter if you are a male or a female when you succeed, it just matters that you succeeded.

Consider yourself educated.

Thats alright, if you are under 30 I consider you a kid.

A lot of writers are very racist on this site, arent they?

I am tired of this, whatever happened to not being able to trademark generic words?

If you didnt invent the word, then it is not yours to trademark. Has the USA gone completely fascist? Just pandering to any and all corporate demands as long as enough money is thrown their way?

Tbh thats fine, its the companies choice, not theirs.

The days where you make an account and profit are over, now you want ad revenue, go get sponsors and patreon. Spend some freakin effort past twitching in front of a camera for 5mins and editing.

Broadcasting laws should not apply to ANY internet streaming service. If you region lock the internet its no longer very world wide is it?

Unless you are a celiac, a gluten free diet is ridiculous. People just dont use their heads these days, they prefer to use another person’s.

JK Rowling is not relevant anymore, dont feed the beast.

Gender equality means it doesnt matter if you are a women or a man attending, it matters that you attended. To fixate on one sex attendence is the definition of sexist and discriminatory.

The only thing worse than chauvinism, is feminism.

Listen you racist fuck, racial equality mean the color of a person skin doesnt matter.

This is a horrible act because it was unjustified and monstrous, not because he was black. When all you see is color, you are a fucking racist.

Consider yourself educated, now grow the fuck up.