Divergent Evolution

A lot of writers are very racist on this site, arent they?

I am tired of this, whatever happened to not being able to trademark generic words?

If you didnt invent the word, then it is not yours to trademark. Has the USA gone completely fascist? Just pandering to any and all corporate demands as long as enough money is thrown their way?

Tbh thats fine, its the companies choice, not theirs.

The days where you make an account and profit are over, now you want ad revenue, go get sponsors and patreon. Spend some freakin effort past twitching in front of a camera for 5mins and editing.

Gender equality means it doesnt matter if you are a women or a man attending, it matters that you attended. To fixate on one sex attendence is the definition of sexist and discriminatory.

The only thing worse than chauvinism, is feminism.

Listen you racist fuck, racial equality mean the color of a person skin doesnt matter.

This is a horrible act because it was unjustified and monstrous, not because he was black. When all you see is color, you are a fucking racist.

Consider yourself educated, now grow the fuck up.

I guess, but in reality a juicy burger should could from properly combined ingredients, good beef and proper cooking.

I assure you plenty of amazing burgers have been made without putting ice cubes on it. Though I guess if you have no clue what you are doing in any way then, yeah sure great trick.

the booming 3d CGI porn industry kind of proves all of this oh so wrong. They seem to get it done just fine, and hentai and and and. I think more accurate is

ARK? Oh you mean power rangers with dinosaurs.

I mean I guess if you like playing in immersion destroying time syncs its fine. But if you prefer a more logical approach to gaming Conan Exiles is the way to go, when it launches.

ESports, come on people.

Do we really want to encourage skilless 25yo that still live with their mothers to feel like they have “made it” in life?

Live action remakes of anime have to stop, they are absurd and kind of indicate a fundamental misunderstanding of creativity.

The problem is with out of touch, out od date politicians that dont understand the importance of bringing physical consumer protection laws into the digital world, or they are actively not regulating it to promote unchecked profiteering.

Equality doesnt mean that women are just as good as men at things anymore than it means men are just as good as women at some things.

Bye Bye America, you will not be missed.

Totally worth the millions spent on the research.....

The US is the threat you mindless thrall.

They have invented, faked and or created every single conflict they have had since ww2.

Sounds great!

Glad I am an adult that knows good things take time and am not freaking out because the game I paid 35$ for isnt released in record time.

They are not following a traditional release system , they are doing modules and all sorts of other non beta shit.

I mistake police for terrorists all the time.

If racial equality means the color of your skin doesnt matter, then why does it matter if it is white?