Man your nation is disgusting. Its like a festering sore on all of humanity.
Man your nation is disgusting. Its like a festering sore on all of humanity.
So this is the kind of silly shit humans get up to when they dont have to fight to survive....
Thanks for abandoning your social responsibilities and plunging society into chaos to go work at subway!
The first game was good, but that nemesis system was a waste of time and a joke. You made one choice, then had to follow threw with that choice until the end of the game basically.
So this is what silly monkeys do when they dont have to worry about survival....
I wonder what women would do if kinja decided to make a page dedicated to attacking women?
The only thing you get when you fight fire with fire is a bigger fire. Grow up, silly monkeys.
If the color of your skin doesnt matter then why does it matter if its black? Cant they just be University alumni? Has this world gone so insane that we think black history month, black only organizations and NGOs is not racism?
They are people, they are not black, if they wish to be defined by their color then they…
Kind of silly to apply a real money value to something only a pitiful fraction of the species cares about. Trying to inflate its impact by assigning real money value that is only a value to 0.0000145% of the world population?
Niantic is profiting from other nations public space and private businesses without consent. How that is even legal idk.
Stop buying redundant product you filthy parasites. STOP CONSUMING!
Stop buying redundant product you filthy parasites. STOP CONSUMING!
Redundant SJW hipster moron, go care about something that matters. Also educate yourself, read the Talmud and until you have stfu about jews.
Has very valuable package, uses worst service available. Que the tears.
10 more years of the american idiocracy and you chumps will be begging other nations to help you. How long did you think you could be parasites before the world turned on you?
There is no such thing as anti semitism, that is called having a moral compass. You uneducated people need to go read the Talmud and look at what they did to the original people of Canaan. There is a reason countless civilizations have banned them from holding influence or business.
If humanity has an ancient evil it…
Its no good that people are out of work, but tbh these are not jobs, they are exploitative aspects of a corrupt economic system. If you make min wage and are working full time then you are not working for a job or for yourself, you are working as a debt slave. Modern indentured servitude forced upon you by immoral…
I have a single USB stick with every nintendo game available for rom download on it. It plays them all perfectly and cost me 29$. People buying this exploitative bullshit from nintendo are just bad consumers feeding the beast.
Displays of wealth will makes you a target in the coming era. The ideology that we have a right to consume more than our fellow citizens just because we got there first is done. Adapt of get brunt in the streets.
If color doesnt matter then why does it matter if they are white? Ever stop to think you redundant coffee shop revolutionaries are the racist ones?
The USA is like a deer that has just been shot still trying to get up and walk around like it is normal, too stupid to understand that it is already dead. Die quietly you filthy founders of modern terrorism.