Divergent Evolution

I hope Niantic gets the bill for all these police responses across the world. Making tax payers pay to enable a corporation to profit is a very very evil thing to do.

If he is worried about venom why would he let the thing bite him on his arm where so many blood vessels are?

Not as complete of a failed system as it once was, but still not a good system. EA reviews are still carried over after launch, tag or no their ratings should be removed upon launch and a gold status should get a full clean slate of votes and reviews.

Defaulting to all reviews still enabables the scamming, defeating

Well being gay has nothing to do with genetics, so kind of out of context. Our genes tell us that is what they are, our social development refines that into a more acceptable mentality. It doesnt mean that deep down females are not for sex to men and males are not for security for women. That is just a natural part of

Hilary is a corrupt war mongering bitch, but Trump is a corrupt, incompetant fascist. So as long as Hilary is allowed to respond in kind then I dont see why the truth being part of a debate is a bad thing. American politics are a PERFECT representation of your nation, idiocy, redundancy and corruption.

Love the animation, but compared to One Punch Man it just seems phoned in. Very predictable, its not coming from a place of satire like OPM so it cant really get away with that.

Really Mob Psyco is a very below average anime with a great art style (not even a pro art style at all, just fits his work well), thats it.

Males portray females how males want, females portray females as females want. If females want more PC fembots in video games than maybe they should get off their asses and make more. A women has NO RIGHT to force a male to see them as anything but a beautiful sex object, cause surprise that is all you are to us on a

Are you drunk or just woefully out of touch with reality? Android phones will never fail, too many people refuse to use apply crap. The Galaxy is a great phone and one that isnt for coffee shop revolutionaries and hipster asshats with selfie sticks. It is going nowhere, kid.

Inventing new way to profiteer since apple! Computers, your ass and your wallet will never get taken advantage of more completely. Memory is worth pennies, all forms of memory is down to about $0.13/GB for them to produce and has for about 4 years now. Dont buy products that are designed to profiteer, regardless of

So they are blaming unreal engine for their delays? Also 20k is NOT enough to make a game, nor is taking 2 years to learn how to make a game a good sign. Either way these guys should just refund, it is not our job to wait for these idiots to learn how to develop a game they said they could already make.

If you dont like a dress code, dont get a fucking job that has one.

Well this is what we get when we use 50yo battery tech in modern devices. Lithium is ridiculously unstable to be used at the power levels these smart phones use them at. Instead of doing their jobs and finding a safer power tech, they just hide the risk that comes with high draw lithium devices.

Never buy anything from this man. If he was in anything but the video game industry he would have been charged with false advertising and immoral business practices ages ago and barred from the industry.

Sounds like chemo treatment. Even if it does get the cancer, it will kill you itself in the end. Until we can deal with rejection issues in a predictable manner we really have no right experimenting on humans like this.

If only we had digital hacktivists that could punish companies for their immoral actions.....well I mean ones that were not a CIA honeypot to catch subversives like Anonymous is.