
Except we now know that DDT didn’t actually kill eagles or anything else it was blamed for and that the banning of the only cheap effective chemical for mosquito elimination has lead to millions of deaths, mostly children, a year from Malaria. Won't you think of the children?

Co-worker recently bought a Prius V Five. My first problem was that name. Is it pronounced Prius five five or Prius “V” five and why are there five of them and what does the V stand for anyways and why the hell didn’t you buy any of the cars I suggested to you? At any rate this thing stickered just short of $36,000

Here’s my thought, LeBron got involved in cases where an actual injustice was involved and has decided not to get involved here because there is no injustice. Maybe he just thinks the kid’s death, while a tragedy, is not a crime.

It doesn’t trace back to an IP address in Chappaqua NY does it?

Yep, after two Fridays worth of “I get paid on Friday can you hold it for me until then?” I got a “Will you take a post-dated check?” This is the same genius who filed a report with the police for theft after I sold the truck to someone who actually had the money. Seems he had figured non-running truck for $1500, new

You forgot my personal favorite “Will you take a post-dated check?”

That’s the color mine was. I think I told the story when one was featured in NPOCP a while back but an 86 EXP was my first car. When it came time for me to buy a car my parents insisted that they get to pick the vehicle. It had to be a Ford product since dad worked for Ford. And mom insisted it had to be a car without

I owned an early build date 2000 GTS. It cost almost exactly the same as a Type-R at the time. What a bad decision I made buying that car instead of the Type-R. I could have gotten a $20,000 insurance payout for the Type-R when it was inevitably stolen a year or less into ownership instead of getting $4900 for my low

Wish they had this year’s PDF on that link instead of last years. I’d LOVE to hear the reasoning for claiming banning red light cameras is a Luddite thing to do. They’ve been proven to have no measurable impact or a negative impact on public safety. The ones here in Ohio had a significant increase in accident rates at

It seems so obvious that this is a bad idea.

Subaru changed the drain plugs on their transmissions some time around 2005 to a T60 bolt because too many oil change places were removing the wrong 17mm bolt when trying to drain the oil. T60 sockets are freaking expensive and they don’t have them at the local Sears if you want to change your transmission fluid.

100% this, I remember that Mercury Capri with loathing but it was always parked with the doors unlocked. I often couldn’t get it to start WITH the keys and felt if someone could start it without they were more than welcome to have the thing.

The union exists to make sure the union exists.

I’m sure you don’t see them much in areas where cruise ships take folks, which is sadly what most people think the entire Caribbean looks like. The herds of people who do cruise ships are 100% going to destroy the gorgonians and sea fans that they feed on if allowed to flounder around in the water like the overfed

The living part might be all one genetically identical colony but I kind of doubt it. The underlying skeleton at least seems to indicate at least part is not natans but rather breviserialis which is distinguished by having just a few polyps in each of it’s closed valleys. To me the tan at the bottom appears to

Electrostatic speakers haven’t been limited nearly as much as you are claiming in decades. Martin Logan has been selling full range electrostatics (down to 56Hz at +-3db) for nearly a decade now which has nearly as much range as any traditional speaker with a 10” woofer, that is to say you’ll still need a sub no

I use a burner because I don’t have a FaceBook or Twitter account and never will not because I think it is actually anonymous or because I want to be a troll.

Electro-magnet actuated brakes? Are we talking like electric trailer brakes? Basically centripetal activated drum brakes or something totally different? Cause that sounds like it would royally suck on a bike.

Allstate. There’s your problem.

I just wish I could figure out exactly how the state of Ohio chooses to “randomly” pick people for insurance checks. I’ve been “randomly” selected to have to take ten minutes out of my day to contact my insurance company and have them fax proof of insurance to the state every single year for the last ten years. I’ve