
The wife continued with her odd argument, "It just seems so stupid that you would risk your business success over things like this."

I heard Kirby Delauter is upset about Kirby Delauter's name appearing in the media? Being a public official, Kirby Delauter should know about a little document called the United States Constitution (which Kirby Delauter swore an oath to support) which allows for the free press to discuss such controversial topics as

BR. Home of Hell SUUUUU. Jesus. All college football, all the time- even moreso for people who never went near any university. It's 24-7 bro- douche out this way, but you probably know that. Lafayette's not that far at all. I go out to Don's by the Harley Davidson place at times, in Scott, but hadn't stopped in

What part of louisiana are you from? Lafayette native here, it's not super terrible here. I came out in high school and it was never even an issue, but I suspect I was one of "the lucky ones".

I will start by saying I made a new account to post with because I do not want to post on my real account and out myself.

Louisiana. Not only are the people incredibly hateful, they're proud of it. And before the New Orleans visitors or natives pop up to say otherwise- N.O. might as well be an oasis of aliens compared to the rest of this state. After hurricane Katrina, many people moved down the road to my city, & were stunned at how

"My sweet 16 year old son, Joshua Ryan Alcorn went home to heaven this morning. He was out for an early morning walk and was hit by a truck."

"The Kiowa Warrior is slated to retire in 2025, the Chinook in 2035, and both the Apache and Black Hawk will be gone by 2040. We thought we had a suitable replacement for all of these platforms in the Boeing-Sikorsky RAH-66 Comanche."

But you can choose your cable company.

Hey Evelyn:

So the system worked. She is in control, and got to reevaluate her decision and change it.

Fuck Texas; fuck anti-choicers; fuck "prayer" being part of a police investigation; fuck abstinence-centered sex education; and fuck leaving women in crisis (or, in this case, children in crisis!) with no viable options, letting them suffer alone, and then treating them like criminals for doing what they have to do.

For clarification, we were like six years old! Just so everybody knows that.

You call him an Idiot, but he was immediately signed by DC United after the game.

I'm a little sad that Violet is gone, but if it means Hoyt gets to be the hero, I'd say the benefit outweighs the cost.