
I wish people would stop misusing “censorship.” Censorship is done by governments to prevent things they do not like being published and/or broadcast. They can use the force of law to prevent publication, to imprison people, to shut down presses and transmitters to carry out their wishes. You are compelled to obey,

Ashai cares more about the bad publicity than making things right. I’d rather let them swing in the wind than give them relief with that attitude.

It’s Annie Leibovitz; she’s been shooting the same way for years. And you’d think she could find someone who can Photoshop properly by now. Diane Keaton looks so out of place, but she’s also so radiant and perfectly odd that you are drawn to her. So, I’m not going to complain too much.

This sums it up. I just can’t believe it...

I haven’t seen any of these before. Then I realized, I try not to follow people from the shallow end of the pool...

Know why Oklahoma has that bit of land at the end called the Panhandle? It’s the territory ceded from Texas so they could remain south of the Mason-Dixon Line and thus, a slave state.

I'm totally devastated after reading that last story. I need an emergency kitten.

I'm nominating you for sainthood, Erin.

Report gay friend to the Gay Agenda. Fabulous taste is supposed to be standard :P

Buy your own dress, only bring your gay best friends with you, anyone who gives you shade is uninvited, and wear what you want to. Best rules ever.

I want to grab her mother by the face and scream at her, "You fucking bitch! She didn't accidentally walk in front of a truck, she did it on purpose. Because she thought she couldn't survive one more second under your delusions. You couldn't even try to believe her. You murdered your child, then you shat on her

I'm from Lafayette, my mom still lives there. I never went out en femme there, nor have I come out to her. Because it's not a city or area that's conducive to being openly transgender. When I moved to New Orleans, it was like a weight came off me, and I felt so alive.

So the truth is not that you beat a woman senseless, stabbed her, threatened to rape her? Then tell us what is the truth, you piece of human offal.

Yes, now it's John Surtees.

Doesn't matter; Texas law supersedes the woman's wishes. If you are pregnant, you must be kept alive until the fetus reaches viability. Texas sees women as incubators, not human beings.

Is there a reason NASCAR can't find a comic who is actually funny to work their show?

The cops wanted to bust her and had zero evidence. So they were hoping they'd arrest her and get a judge who would not give a crap about their flimsy probable cause. Instead they got a judge with more than two live brain cells who saw through their BS.

You're just like Malala because you have been threatened and eventually shot in the head by fundamentalists? You're just like Malala because you risked your life to be educated? No? Shut the fuck up.