Diva in 4 Inch Heels

Is there anyway that the AVCLUB could help in making sure that folks who insist on posting/referring to book spoliers, that they flag their posts with Book Spoliers and adding some space to their comments?

Ahhh…The creepy other cute one from the first season of "The Following".

It's not really "mountains out of a moehill".


Andrew Haigh responded on his Twitter account:
"Sadly the rumors are true. Thanks for all the love. TV sucks. Movies rule. #LookingHBO #Looking"

I definitely do not feel, think, want or fantasize about Patrick with Richie anymore.

No. It's not just you. On Twitter, one of the guys, who runs the @LookingHBO page, has been having a very hard time, in what was revealed in last night's episode, between Kevin and Patrick.

That party was too much temptation for Kevin to miss out on that night.

Kevin's Dream-Patrick, wouldn't see it as cheating. He would see it as just a "tug in the gym sauna".

"Kevin was only his third relationship but all three had been in the last year and a half or so. This was, in his mind, his "last, best hope" to prove that he can actually have an adult relationship."
Agreed - The ex, who got married to the "tubby one" in the pilot episode. His failed relationship with Richie and now,

"I'll be disappointed if there's no third season, but this wouldn't be the worst place to end things."

"When Patrick told his mother he really did love Kevin, he had all the sincerity of a State Farm agent. Is it intentional? Is this suppose to feel so utterly unconvincing by using Agustín and Eddie as a more grounded touchstone?"

I would love to have a hashout scene between Kevin and Jon, because I want to see why Kevin stayed so long, with a guy that impeded his happiness. I also think that Jon deserves an explanation as to why Kevin didn't say anything to him.

Patrick has to be seen as "blameless" for now, because the storyline with Kevin b still needs some sort of conclusion to come.

"He's just desperate not to be alone, and having a boyfriend makes him feel validated. Heck, he's all of us."

"This guy wants so bad to be with somebody it's kind of sad."

Patrick has finally got his "perfect guy", so thinking/worrying about Agustin shouldn't matter.

Well, I think that, for Agustin, he has done "everything that he needed to do" to complete the closure with Frank.

Well, in the scheme of things: Who else was it going to be?

Patrick, could care less about Jon's feelings.