Diva in 4 Inch Heels

I don't think that Agustin could ever make things "right" for Frank and I don't think that's what the writers wanted to establish in that scene.

They also went to prom.

It's interesting that Megan, was the one, that focused on how Jon's coping with the situation, because Patrick may say, that he was torn up by what happened, he's not really questioning anything about it or how Kevin's behaving. He doesn't want to pull that curtain and see the real deal.

So, now Patrick has the power in his relationship with Kevin, yet no one's supposed to see that as a problem, in how fast things are progressing between them?

It was funny as hell.
Like the building, only sold their apartments to gorgeous young men, who each have 6 figure incomes.

After what Patrick said to him, in the previous episode, I don't expect to see Richie in the season finale.

This show relies on subtext so I was squinting hard when Dana was justifying her affair to Patrick and Megan. Is Patrick's Dad meant to represent Jon (or Richie)? I'm not sure what the writers want us to think of Patrick/Kevin.

Did you see all those gorgeous young men in the spoiler for the season finale?
Patrick may profess love for Kevin, but I don't think that he trusts him at all.

I really enjoyed the development between Agustin and Eddie, especially after they both ran into Frank. I know that there are viewers, that will never move on from how Agustin behaved in season one, but he has grown.

I just watched this HBO docudrama and I must say, that Ms. Lange and Ms. Barrymore did an excellent job, in their portrayals of Big and Little Edie.

There is no "love triangle". Patrick screwed up, whatever possibilty that he could of had with Richie and chose to get involved with Kevin, his boss, who was also involved in a longterm relationship, in order to prove that Patrick was desirable and capable of getting a man to chose him.

I'm going to have to disagree with you on Patrick not being cruel to Richie with that comment. That was a cruel thing to toss back into Richie's face.

Being clueless, still doesn't mean that Patrick shouldn't be held accountable for his rotten behavior. If he's held accountable, maybe that will stop the clueless behavior.

"But it's a natural, human look, right? Isn't that how a lot of us act? "

"He thinks Kevin chose him, it'd wound his ego to find out if that wasn't the case. And it'd also indicate that Kevin lied to him."

But, those are things that you do talk about, with your new partner.

Patrick was being cruel to Richie.
He's really upset that Richie, didn't keep himself on hold, to wait for him to finally choose him.

Richie wasn't the one that "gave up too soon" on Patrick and their relationship.

"Also, I notice a certain pattern among some posters that when Richie shows anything short of perfect behavior it's "OMG he's a horrible asshole" but when most of the other characters, save Agustin, show worse behavior it's "understandable" and "human."

Yes, for Kevin at least.