Diva in 4 Inch Heels

"Richie was fine a few weeks ago when Patrick was a sad hot mess, but now that he's with Kevin…"
I think, Richie's seeing how little Patrick valued him, as a potential long term boyfriend, when he can see him, trying to make things work for Kevin. Something, that Patrick wasn't ready to do with him.
It probably hurts

" It's possible that John broke up with Kevin, because Kevin is rather weak, but I don't see him as wanting to be back with John AT ALL."
I just don't think that Kevin wants to be alone, without having a boyfriend in his life.

"In limping off to lick his wounded pride and shutting out Patrick, Richie unwittingly left Patrick vulnerable to Kevin's ambush that night in the office."
Yet, Patrick wanted to sleep with Kevin. That's on him and if he supposedly, really wanted to work things out with Richie, he wouldn't have given into his desire to

"People at work are stupid, Brady is stupid, fuck Agustin, Richie is jealous, people are jealous of our app and matching zip ups, haterzzzz."


Kevin's the one that should be worried right now.
Patrick's so willing, needing and desiring for their relationship to be known by everybody.

The Kevin and Patrick pairing is going to crash and burn in the season finale.

Also, us ladies of a certain age.

"It's about Patrick figuring out who he is and what he wants in a relationship and the love triangle is the vehicle that helps him on that path. I think that we will see that playing out in the remaining episodes."
That's what I'm hoping to see happen, during the last three episodes.
Thanks for posting the link.

If Shrimpy did have a mistress, I bet Rose and her got along famously.

Yup. Fellowes was beyond pissed at Dan Stevens wanting to leave. It must have broken his Mary/Matthew shipper heart.

"Even Violet, the queen of the biting remark, had to tell her to cut that shit out."

Russell thought that he was weak and a freak and sadly, because he is a public gay figure, he's being raked over the coals, because he forgot to not be honest about his feelings about himself, when he was a young gay man, in an environment, that wasn't welcoming and accepting about who he was during that time.

"That they led to me being me and me being happy with who I've become doesn't make those experiences "good" in any way. And that's what's so irksome about his comments, he paints these awful things as if they were positive in and of themselves."

He shouldn't have had to apologize for something that he dealt with, in his own life.

I've never really been enamored of the Kevin character, but it was the episode, when Patrick confronts him about seeing him with Jon in the park and he tells him that he should have come up to them both and said "Hi!"
Yes, I know that it's difficult for Kevin to be honest about things, but in that moment, it showed how

"But given the sheer amount of time the two have been spending together, it feels less like the viewers are kept in the dark like Pat's friends more like a show that is enamored with the character and the actor for whatever mysterious reason."
I don't think that the show's creators and writers are that enamored with

It doesn't fit into the narrative of Patrick's storyline this season of wanting Kevin to definitely chose him over Jon. It makes no sense to have the Jon chapter of Kevin's life end offscreen, when it affects Patrick's onscreen storyline with him. It's too convenient, especially when we had months of Patrick being

Agreed. I don't think the writers for this show at least, create their pairings based on the ratings.

Barrly touched upon?!
That's a bit of a stretch, but I can see that you're upset.
Let's just enjoy the last three episodes and see where things are left for all the characters.