Diva in 4 Inch Heels

"People say Richie would be engaging in masochism if he got back with Patrick (true), but if Patrick thinks that a lasting relationship with Kevin is feasible, HE'S the glutton for punishment."
Maybe that's the draw of Kevin and Patrick. The belief that if you keep trying, pursuing and hoping for the best, it'll

"I think that matters less than people think. Some of the bigger differences are whether you're content in where you are and know where you want to be in the future. Richie seems to be good in both accounts, whereas Patrick is all over the place in both categories. That's what I see as the biggest difference between

I adore Russell Tovey, but Kevin in my opinion, is toxic to Patrick and Jon. Patrick has finally taken the veil off of his eyes, but Jon doesn't know what's going on at all.

So, the show should have made Richie state that their relationship was over, during his conversation with Patrick at the barber shop, in which he sais that he didn't want to say anything that he couldn't take back?

Or that you and your feelings are second to the main person in their life. Regardless of "how difficult things are", how you "get that person" or the really important factor, how the sex is fantastic between you two.

So Patrick isn't to blame, in your opinion as much as Kevin and Richie are, in that he had sex with another man, who wasn't his boyfriend, which caused his boyfriend pain?

"He called Jon, because in the end Kevin is just a human being *desperate* for love. He's not as mean as we kevin-detractors thought."

I don't want Richie to fall back into a romantic relationship with Patrick at all, because they both are not right for each other. Patrick hurt Richie and he really doesn't understand why he did it.

Patrick was walking on eggshells during the entire time of his affair with Kevin. From the moment, after the had sex in their office, to the final straw at El Noche, Patrick has let Kevin be the one calling the shots of their affair.

Agreed ValleyGirl and I still wonder why it's seen as being more understandable/easier to be with a guy like Kevin, than a guy like Richie.

"I felt in that respect, it was a little bit of a crutch and a cop out, because the writers worked so hard for the passed few weeks at humanizing Kevin and making him likeable, suggesting there's more to this than your typical affair…and this backtracked a little."

"Of the two relationships we've seen Patrick in, I'll take him and Kevin over him and Richie any day of the week.That is, if Kevin can get his shit together and do what needs to be done."

Of course, Richie is still in love with Patrick, but he's not willing to be unguarded about opening up his heart and the possibility of something more with him again.

I love Parting Glances. My first Steve Buscemi film AND it had happy ending.

Richie is pretty loosen up, especially in regards to how uptight Patrick is in his life.

"Gritting his teeth through them and pretending they don't exist."

Well, caring for Patrick will always be a factor for Richie.

"He's the one who cares. And the one to which Patty will always come back from a disastrous relationship, to jump into another supposed better relationship which will turn out disastrous again."

Well, that is exactly what Patrick chose those three months ago.

I don't think that what Richie said was judgemental. I have seen others on here describe his comments as being judgemental.