Diva in 4 Inch Heels

Patrick's not going to sing his praises, over the new guy in Richie's life. He's going to be obnoxious.
Just like how Richie's comments about Patrick being a homewrecker are judgemental, because at the end of the day: Patrick chose to be the side piece over being the boyfriend of a Mexican barber.

But Richie's judgementalism isn't really missing the mark. He's on target in Patrick compromising himself, in order to be with Kevin, the guy he thinks he should be with.
A guy, that is already involved in another relationship. A guy, who can't really put Patrick first in his priorities, because he already has to

Well, I hope that Richie remembers how scared Patrick was to be with him the first time and recalls the conversation that they just had about Patrick's relationship, with his boss (who also happens to be involved with another man), so that he can keep his sense to not let himself get back with him romantically right

It's very interesting to see Agustin, thinking about Richie's feelings in regards to Patrick's actions this season. I think Agustin's just really saddened by how his behavior, had an adverse affect on Patrick's relationship with Richie.

There's absolutely nothing about Patrick that is "childlike joy". He's a bundle of nerves and continues to look for others (his friends, his ex lover and his current lover) to give him answers for how he should live his life.
He's a mess.

I'm glad that Dom decided that he does want more in his life. Sad that he couldn't find that with Lynn, but at least Dom knows that he wants and deserves more for his life.
I just want him to continue to move forward and not backward.

I think, they're only showing us glimpses of Kevin's interactions with Jon, because it would make it even more difficult for folks to root for Patrick to end up with Kevin, when they see moments of those two involved in their relationship.

How is Richard "off-putting"?

" And Patrick is going right back to the wreckin by messing with Richie and boring ginge journalist."

"Bookish"…at least you admit to being elitist.

I watch an episode and I've grown tiresome of the Amanda Peet character. She's a complete tease to the other guy and it comes across like, she thinks he's not good enough for her. Yet, she's cock blocking him, when other women see more in him.

"The tragedy in that film is not limited to straight or gay……it's gloriously human."

He also directed "Cruising".

If we do get a third season, either Patrick or Kevin, will have a new job at another company.

Kevin IS struggling, but he's not ready to make a choice between Jon and Patrick and I think, that's the point, some viewers may understand about Kevin.

I don't think that Eddie and Agustin are dating. They're friends and Agustin wants more, but Eddie's being smart about things.

"I am amazed that Patrick had the balls to walk away from the relationship, to make the right decision."

Ay dios mio!
I couldn't figure out who Magda was, but she looked so familiar to me.

"It's just that reintroducing from the beginning would have been… well, uncoherent to the charachter and the story. They had to give an excuse to reintroduce him, just like an ex boyfriend ends up re-entering in his lover's life."
