Diva H.

I would booby-trap my trash

Hell yeah I’d set mad traps. I’d dig holes around the can then cover it with leaves so they fall into it and break their ankle. Or I’d fill the can with super adhesive so they have garbage stuck to them. Put the can under a ledge or a tree and when they move the garbage, a bucket full of shit drops on their head. Put

Yup I that would have been my first instinct if that were to happen to me. I would find ways to make my trash more disgusting than it already is. Kitty litter, dog poop, baby diapers, whatever’s been growing in that piece of Tupperware that’s been sitting in the back of someone’s fridge for like 6 months, and really

... and every now and then you’ve got to take a day to really clean out your tackle box to throw out all those rusty treble hooks.

If I knew someone was going through my trash because they were racists hoping to find something somehow incriminating, I’d be inviting all my neighbors to dump their dog’s sh*t in it before I bagged it up and set it by the curb. Oh, and they’d be welcome to scoop their kitty litter onto it too.

Ok this lady needs to get citizen of the year award. And they need to fire that sherriff.

I don’t know when this freckle on my elbow became kind of flaky and weird, but now that I do know, I probably should get it looked at. Just because I didn’t notice it earlier doesn’t mean it still isn’t a problem to be dealt with.

Jesus Christ they’re already saddled with the Nets. They’ve suffered enough.

y’all are killing me. i couldn’t breath.

We sang My Old Kentucky Home in glee club in N.J. in the 19490'-1950's. We had no idea what a darkie was. None. I guess we thought it was a blackbird of some kind. Little kids don’t ask. It was just a pleasant melody you could harmonize. Embarrassment came later.

I also felt like this article did an excellent explanation of the distinction. As a white trans woman, I can only speak to the gender identity side of things, but I think for me part of it is that trans folks grow up surrounded by both men and women. We experience both “male” and “female” culture, insofar as one can

So what race are you choosing to be today?