
And nearly all of the world’s major governments and businesses all *shrug* at the problem. They’ll happily kick the can down the road to future generations, who will ultimately be unable to avert our self-inflicted, terminal-velocity impact with reality. Because the time to use a parachute is not just before hitting

So what will happen here is that Andretti will buy the team and parachute Herta in as a driver once he has his Super License. This will take a seat from one of the guys in the F1 young driver program and likely displace another driver at the same time. This won’t win the team any fans with the F1 crowd. Herta and the

Just have faith, systematically work your way down the logic tree of troubleshooting, and sooner or later, if you keep at it, the bulb will burn out.

Fixed the check engine light!

I’d suggest running away from this VW, but it won’t be running for long so you can probably just walk. 

“Pro photographers I guess, but that can’t be a ton of market share”

Basically every single camera made in the past ten years that is NOT a high end pro camera uses SD cards. The really expensive cameras use a totally different card format and requires a special reader. You must not own a camera; there are millions of

I am a huge fan of old John Deere tractors but it seems like the modern Deere company is actively trying to be evil.

I’m not automatically on the side of unions either, but whether or not unionized factory workers make better cars than non-union factory workers has nothing to do with this story, or why anybody would be on the side of the unionized workers.

I live in a red state, and I’m friendly with a lot of conservative folks. They’re genuine, hard-working, self-reliant, blue-collar people

for the longest time Finance education simply was not part of the curriculum in my state (Indiana). They said there was an expectation that parents taught their children good financial values and the state should not interfere in that. In my junior year of high school they made a finance class a requirement for core

Lol hush now, the grownups are talking.

I’m glad you GOPers have decided to fully embrace your previously closeted gay fantasies and now are loudly proclaiming how much you want to fuck Joe.

I don’t agree that FICO is a scam, but it doesn’t reward good credit behavior as much as it penalizes hiccups.

Not everyone that works Kotaku will have the same take on games. People are allowed to have different opinions, even though they work for the same company.

Carriers aren’t interested in being neutral. They’re only interested in what they could do to poach customers from each other. And if that means locked-in options, all the better. They could have co-operated with each other long before Apple introduced iMessage, but here we are today.

I have to wonder whether the universe is trying to send me a sign:

I was gonna vote NP, but then I saw the bit about the seller cancelling a previous sale and jacking up the price. Now it is a solid ND for the jackass seller.

The “Don’t do this at home” crap is definitely a requirement from the laywers/business but the fact that this video even got made and they literally included the line, “You have every right to open it up and do what you want,” in that video is a huge step forward.

That would surely cause a fury in the Crackhead Estate Planning industry.

Didn’t mean to hit them and run them over, definitely meant to harm them physically and emotionally. Also definitely meant to do it with an illegally modified vehicle. Hopefully it’s a stern lesson.