
I love that this brought back some good memories!

other than the photo, what’s not factual here?

Baron Harkonen the 1st?

First off, that’s clearly Leto Artreides II God-Emperor of Dune :)

Ban deodorants?  It’s no Secret that it’s Essential for some people to use it.

Trump in particular is a dead man walking, will be out of office in January”

I’ll believe it in January.

If anybody truly wants him out of office, do not listen to the polls or pundits.  Go out and vote no matter what!

Libertarian my ass - Washington is chock-full of racists.

I live in SE Washington and there are plenty of alt-righters and racists out here. Heck, we even got this guy.

There is always more to be done. Everyone must start somewhere. 

Removing the flag and statues doesn’t end racism, but it stops glorifying the confederacy. Removing statues doesn’t wash away history in any way, they were put up during the Jim Crow era as a way to remind black people that they were not in charge. People can continue to be fucktards at home and in their private

To those without virtue, any act of empathy is written off as virtue signalling

Not sure why Chrome is mentioned above when it doesn’t have anything comparable to the anti-tracking/ad features in Firefox, Edge, Vivaldi, and others. Safari already had some features like this and now they’re expanding it. Chrome is by far behind the pack here and the reason why should be obvious for anyone who

There’s always a nerd exclusion for anything lol

That response was chefs_kiss.gif

*Picks up phone*

California, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington are on the line for you

If you want more five-dollar technical words for this phenomenon: flow detachment causes a rear vacuum, and the effect is massive for a brick-shaped truck at highway speeds. The activity in the picture below is also happening, mirrored upside-down, off the underbody of the truck, creating a nice scoop-type air current

Did you read the f*cking article? Get out of here with that bullshit.

Did you read the article?

I haven’t read the sites methodology, but a lot of people seem not to understand the meaning of the word “maintenance” vs. “repair.” Similarly, a lot of car articles and people use “reliability” loosely. You can have a car with a lot of problems, but is still reliable.