
To clarify, Homeland and Little Brother are both fiction, set in the near-future. But Doctorow (founder of BoingBoing, if you aren’t familiar) is a very savvy author and uses his understanding of everything from advanced networking systems to social engineering to complex finance to coffee and culinary methodology to

Here’s a pretty good matter-of-fact summary of the process:

The reason they’d now rather add on a monthly fee instead of getting a deposit is because debt has become a commodity. For the same reason, they won’t cut your service off right away if you don’t pay. If they can get you on the hook to owe them several hundred dollars, there are agencies out there now who will buy

so good


Jet fuel can’t melt helper T-cells.

No...I've been through at least 3 iterations of the site. Never a fan of "Gawker," as an organization, however I do like Kotaku, Gizmodo, Jalopnik, and io9.

Forget this star wars, I’m going to make my own... with blackjack and hookers... better yet, forget the star wars!

Now playing

I suspect the cafeteria will represent a key vulnerability.

Win 10 is easily the best OS in a while from MS. All these people downing either never used it or spent 30 minutes with it. My PC boots quicker, runs much more efficiently (with Cortana off), and gaming has been flawless. 7 is getting old now. It’s still pretty damn great but it’s age is starting to show. I agree 8

One is a person with free-will and in control of their sexuality, the other is a character whose traits are all manufactured in order to pander, while the creator tries to pretend that totally wasn’t the case.

In other news, the Navy has stated 1 out 3 commissioned ships are completely hacker proof.

Good grief...at least with the replaceable batteries you could continue using the mouse within a matter of seconds.

8%? That’s pretty significant.

“if the public does in fact ignore the $1 price increase, what’s stopping them from doing the exact same thing a year from now and again a year after that?”

Quite honestly I think their first priority should be to fix the unstable clusterfuck that is iOS9. For all the new features that Apple has added over the last couple of years, I’ve found that usability and stability has taken a serious downturn. There are some horrible issues with things like text selection, copy &